Watch Company Launches Response To Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad; It Goes Viral

well you're 5'9 so youre short.
you weigh 240 lbs which makes you obese based on your height
you make 20-30k per year so you're poor
you don't have hair so you're bald
and you live with your brother and obsess over video games in your late 40s so you're a loser.

and all this info came from you so i'm wondering what you take issue with in particular

5' 9" isn't short, but I'm 5' 10" anyway
I weigh 225 lbs currently, and you are assuming it's all fat too
I actually make over 42K
I shaved my head back in my early 30s, well before I started balding
I live by myself
I've never been obsessed with video games, and I rarely play these days anymore

All lies Pagy as usual.

5' 9" isn't short, but I'm 5' 10" anyway
I weigh 225 lbs currently, and you are assuming it's all fat too
I actually make over 42K
I shaved my head back in my early 30s, well before I started balding
I live by myself
I've never been obsessed with video games, and I rarely play these days anymore
so you're short, fat, poor, bald loser who who is obsessed with video games at the age of 47 glad we cleared that up
holy fuck when 'I actually make over 42k' is a rebuttal :rofl:

I guess it's more manageable when you know you're going to be single forever though
I think Harry's should run an ad about men.

It should go like this:

[simple black screen - white text]
Good men live by one rule -
[fade to simple black screen white text]
Don't be a dick
[fade in Harry's name #livetherule]
holy fuck when 'I actually make over 42k' is a rebuttal :rofl:

I guess it's more manageable when you know you're going to be single forever though
plus having a roommate in your 40s is certainly a thrifty way to get by. Plus u have a buddy to play your video games with while you both choose not to have girls.
I liked the video find. Thank you. Why you guys got to get all personal over a video post. This is tribalwar go ahead and attack anybody. Everybody better have a thick skin here, but what you think of the video haters?
Rama, dont let these fuckers drag you down

keep your chin up and fight back

be a man like your OP video

dont let these soy bois get you