VUG's answer on the patch cancelation

Having played SWG on and off for the past two years, the responses in this Q&A put SOE's Community Relations to shame. Anyways, I thought you all might like to know that.
It's all this communities fault. all you faggots who didn't buy the game fucked it over. We have more then enough people in this community to influence the "sales" of this game. If every single registered member bought a copy I have faith that would be enough right there. However instead all you faggots bitched about what you wanted in the game and what wasn't in it. Because of that we got no patch wich you further bitched about. Suck a cock TW, you ruined your favorite game.
Blitz said:
It's all this communities fault. all you faggots who didn't buy the game fucked it over. We have more then enough people in this community to influence the "sales" of this game. If every single registered member bought a copy I have faith that would be enough right there. However instead all you faggots bitched about what you wanted in the game and what wasn't in it. Because of that we got no patch wich you further bitched about. Suck a cock TW, you ruined your favorite game.
tribes vengeance is fun as hell but the only reason why i can think of bad sails is realy shity advertisment the only way i found out about it was through looking up somthing to fix a error if i never whent there i probaly wouldnt have it rite now so basicly some one in the advertising departmint needs to get off there fat ass and make some comersials or beter mag adds because buddy ur not getting paid to set on ur fat ass and ruin it for the rest of us
Blitz said:
It's all this communities fault. all you faggots who didn't buy the game fucked it over. We have more then enough people in this community to influence the "sales" of this game. If every single registered member bought a copy I have faith that would be enough right there. However instead all you faggots bitched about what you wanted in the game and what wasn't in it. Because of that we got no patch wich you further bitched about. Suck a cock TW, you ruined your favorite game.
Listen to this man, he's 100% right. It's the consumer's fault for not wanting to buy a game they don't enjoy. Bunch of assholes.
Blitz said:
It's all this communities fault. all you faggots who didn't buy the game fucked it over. We have more then enough people in this community to influence the "sales" of this game. If every single registered member bought a copy I have faith that would be enough right there. However instead all you faggots bitched about what you wanted in the game and what wasn't in it. Because of that we got no patch wich you further bitched about. Suck a cock TW, you ruined your favorite game.

I'd have to amen that. I know it might sound incorrect at first, but really, there wasn't much of a demonstration of 'loyalty' when the game came out. I wont get into technicalities here, but if people stuck to it I bet VUG coulda and would feel more compelled to make this game anything we wanted it to be, or at least comprimise to a point. I've seen it done before.

Doomsayers did nothing for this game. But hurt it.

Then again, I must say, the blame can't be put on just one group of people/person. Everyone contributed. It was just a big boo-boo.

You can't say this person did or that person did. But the people you can't blame at all are the simple consumers who bought the game and still continue to play now and then, and don't bitch about it. And I know a good majority too.
So many posts in this thread explain exactly why we wouldn't trust VUG with the next Tribes title anyway.

It's time for tribes to be made by people who actually play it. An example person being ZOD.
Now I'm not trying to say that ZOD has to be the next tribes developer, but someone like him has to be involved so that we know we'll get TRIBES and not some jetpacks in a box rip off.

My advice to the next developer is to put t1 and t2 together, and start with all components that are in both as the MINIMUM requirements for the game. That way you won't cut out health kits or targetting laser etc. Don't change the fundamentals.

T:V was aimed at the noob, trying to encourage a market that doesn't exist. Better luck would come from trying to encourage the remainder of the tribes community that does exist. That is; cater to those that want the game, not to those who haven't even heard of it.

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Rooster128 said:
I'd have to amen that. I know it might sound incorrect at first, but really, there wasn't much of a demonstration of 'loyalty' when the game came out. I wont get into technicalities here, but if people stuck to it I bet VUG coulda and would feel more compelled to make this game anything we wanted it to be, or at least comprimise to a point. I've seen it done before.

Doomsayers did nothing for this game. But hurt it.

Then again, I must say, the blame can't be put on just one group of people/person. Everyone contributed. It was just a big boo-boo.

You can't say this person did or that person did. But the people you can't blame at all are the simple consumers who bought the game and still continue to play now and then, and don't bitch about it. And I know a good majority too.
Oh yes, its our fault for not "giving the game a chance"...


We WARNED them that a lot of their decisions wouldnt fly, once we played the "beta" (it was a fucking DEMO goddamnit), and a LOT of people downloaded the demo... Reports vary, but I suspect about three times as many people downloaded the demo as actually BOUGHT the game. Possibly more. So people got to PLAY the MP game, and Im pretty fucking sure that MOST of them dont come here, and MOST of them didnt actually buy the game at realease...

So how the fuck is it OUR fault? For not standing behind a game that the vast majority of people thought SUCKED HARDCORE at release? The SP was OKAY, but for MP it just reeked... and I PAID MONEY AND BOUGHT IT DAY OF RELEASE... I spent the first few days playing the SP since there were NO AVAILABLE SERVERS to play on because they "werent focusing" on the dedicated server release. How fucking retarded is that?

I GAVE this game a chance, but the writing was on the wall from day ONE. This game was doomed since it was ill-conceived to start with. They took a GOOD game (T1 and T2s gameplay) and pretty much replaced it with run and gun UT shit and you can flame me all you want but the game has NO fucking depth comparitively. And honestly? The game didnt hold MY interest, and I spent 2 years playing T2 just for the sheer FUN of it (I never got all THAT good even!). This game couldnt keep my attention for TWO WEEKS!

Sorry if I havent done ENOUGH for the franchise, but Im NOT going to cheerlead a game that I personally DONT ENJOY MUCH. And if you expected otherwise, you need to grow the fuck up and realize that ultimately THE GAME fell way short of expectations... NOT THE COMMUNITY...

Hell, *I* didnt cancel the patch now, did I?

Celios said:
Listen to this man, he's 100% right. It's the consumer's fault for not wanting to buy a game they don't enjoy. Bunch of assholes.

No offense guys, But telling folks there at fault for its failure because they didnt buy the game and try to learn its ways is a flawed argument. If a majority of folks liked the game it would have flourished plain and simple.

With that said, I will admit that VU's announcement to discontinue support did kill any potential for the game to revive itself and that does suck for those of you that enjoyed TV. At least T2 was given many attempts and chances through a multitude of patches, MODS etc. TV wasnt even given a chance to stand and who knows where it could have gone.
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Chill guys. I know it might be a hard concept to understand, I myself am not 100% behind it (thus I don't see the point in using OMFGZ CAPS in a reply).

But at least attempt to see where he is coming from. I can't put my finger on any particular game, probably because the time of day that it is, but I know of games that had been horrible at release. However the community had stuck with it and maintained an overall positive outlook, and the developers saw this (mainly in sales and props) and continued to support and revamp the game with patches and the like.

I'm not saying it will it happen. I'm not saying it's a common thing. I know there are pros and cons to 'believing that things will come around'.

It's a simple concept.
?B-MAN said:
No offense guys, But telling folks there at fault for its failure because they didnt buy the game and try to learn its ways is a flawed argument.
Active your Sarcasm Detector 3000 (tm) and re-read my post.
Ok well. It's really not all TW's fault. but holy shit you god damn negative pricks could have done something better then bitch and whine about it. *shrug* I am still actively competing in 2 ladders. With a soon to be 3rd LT ladder. The game will live on for me, so fuck VU and all you faggots who have nothing better to do then whine about it when you don't even play the god damn game. Seriously what the FUCK is the matter with you. Anyone less then a Vet4 or Vet5 dosn't even fucking belong here if you don't play tribes. Faggots. Go to hell you pathetic fucking waste of internet semen.
To those saying that TW killed T:V, suck a dick. The few people here could not have saved a game with that few of sales. It was doomed from the get go.

Secondly, give Tribes to Garage games so that they can work on a true sequel. No one has been able to do it correctly since Dynamix was axed and I don't think anyone else could ever do it right. T2 would have been great if it was finished from the start and T:V may have stood a chance if it was done as well. See a pattern here? Finish a fucking game for a change and you may get support from the community.
Blitz said:
It's all this communities fault. all you faggots who didn't buy the game fucked it over. We have more then enough people in this community to influence the "sales" of this game. If every single registered member bought a copy I have faith that would be enough right there. However instead all you faggots bitched about what you wanted in the game and what wasn't in it. Because of that we got no patch wich you further bitched about. Suck a cock TW, you ruined your favorite game.

hey menzo hows it going
Cheater said:
The game failed in Marketing. Personallities were involved and certain "players" at VUG got their way. I don't want to jump on a bandwagon here but the game failed when Marweas cleaned out his office leaving less enlightened marketers in charge with people in other offices pulling the strings. The final box is a great example and the magazine ad is the other. The people pulling the strings had little to no interest in listening to input from the community.

I think that input from this community is what killed the game, more than anything else. They viewed this site as their best marketing tool - that was the disaster.

Anyway, it's over now, and whatever this website was before, it will never be a Tribes site again.