VUG's answer on the patch cancelation

I pray so hard that the fan-made Tribes game in development is fantastic and shatters Tribes Vengence. It could be one of the best community comeback twists since the last twist (aswell as the twist that came before that last twist).
Do they have an answer for what they plan on doing with the Tribes IP? Or if they're willing to pass it on to someone who can do something with it?
jpr333 said:
Easily the second option without a doubt. T2 sold, market 'wasnt there', but it sold. TV just was in no ways enjoyable, the demo was just meh.

Markets drive demand. T2 was the first FPS game to go all out with driveable vehicles and large scale team combat. It was the next logical leap for FPS gaming. You bet your ass there was a market and thats what brought in so many new players myself included.

You can argue that T:V didn't sell cause it sucked but don't kid yourself that T2 magically sold with no market. Theres a reason why games like Battlefield with similar basics also sold very well.
So even if some other company wanted to make a tribes game, they couldn't do it because vivendi owns the title? Is there any reason why they wouldn't want to sell it to another company who was willing to pay? If tribes was marketed well, it could be an extremely successful game on par with all the big games out there. If it is presented as an FPS that takes the most hand-eye coordination and experience (in my opinion) to be good, I think lots of people would try it out and get hooked like so many of us did. There are SO many aspects of all three games that took lots of time and practice to 'master.'

God I love Tribes :[
mc-fine said:
Markets drive demand. T2 was the first FPS game to go all out with driveable vehicles and large scale team combat. It was the next logical leap for FPS gaming. You bet your ass there was a market and thats what brought in so many new players myself included.

You can argue that T:V didn't sell cause it sucked but don't kid yourself that T2 magically sold with no market. Theres a reason why games like Battlefield with similar basics also sold very well.
Myself and many other vets who actually gave T:V a shot and got good at it will argue the point to death that T:V is a great game. Grappler was the best addition in either T2 or TV. It's not too hard to kill the majority of grapplers once you know how to do it. People just weren't patient enough to learn a game that wasn't 100% T1 or T2.
Q. I'm thinking of staging a violent response at the headquarters of an overseas corporation. Do you think you and your crack team of posturing mouthpieces could participate in my legal defense team?
aScotiA said:
Myself and many other vets who actually gave T:V a shot and got good at it will argue the point to death that T:V is a great game. Grappler was the best addition in either T2 or TV. It's not too hard to kill the majority of grapplers once you know how to do it. People just weren't patient enough to learn a game that wasn't 100% T1 or T2.

it's not that it wasn't a good game, it's just not what people wanted to play.
Console games are selling more numbers than PC games, that's one major factor. When T1 & T2 came out, console games were - by comparison - crap. Now look at them.

MMORPG's have also taken flight.

BF2 is going to have to compete with the mod of BF42 that is the largest played mod of that game - Desert Combat. BFV doesn't even match it's numbers.

The market for a game along the lines of Tribes is small in comparision to the mainstream markets. People produce a product to maek money. They thought there was money in Tribes, and there isn't anymore. The appeal has worn off. It was never a big title anyway. Ask the average gamer about historical titles and you'll hear Unreal, Quake, Doom, Half-Life, and maybe even StarCraft. Many a person has looked at me and said, "Huh?" when I mention Tribes.

Fact is, we're a minority and do not constitute major sales. Given the fact that Tribes is no longer a money maker and a marketing disaster, it would be a considerate PR move for the name to be used for an independent release without the developers fearing legal retribution for use of the name.

But, with those answers from the interview, Tribes will never grow and only shrink. Sadly, looks like the death of an era and we're gonna be the only ones left playing whatever indie mods we can til, one by one, we get bored and stop playing.
Creole Ned said:
Q. Some people believe the timing of the patch cancellation was designed to thwart people looking to return the game within the 90 day support window. Is there any truth to that?

A. There is no truth to this. According to Adam, there has never been a single discussion about a return policy in the entire time he has been at VUG - about five years. No one involved in making or marketing Tribes considers it (sales of the game) their money - and returns never enter into the decision-making.

Soooo ... will VUG allow those players waiting on a patch to return T:V for a full refund or merchandise credit towards other VUG product(s) if their intentions were not to fraud a person past their 90 return policy?

Nicodemus said:
The funny part is blaming it on marketing and box art. The game sucked.

! ... while the marketing was partly to blame, the shitty end product is what kept alot of players from going out of open beta/Demo and into retail ....

mc-fine said:
lol VUG Q&A is expensive... the same Q&A that passed T2 and T:V.

This is sooo funny in soo many ways .. :lol: I can just imagine 2 monkeys locked in a room game testing VUG products and the brand managers driving away in their Ferraris ......
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Total, you're pretty correct of course, but that's not a revelation. I think there's still going to continue to be developers interested in exploiting our segment of the market. IG was able to publish the latest Freedom Force title for instance.

Even if the outlook isn't that hot it's not hopeless for some good developer to surprise us. The intellectual properties of Tribes are, after all, not that vital to what we need.
In its first week, Tribes: Vengeance sold 7800 copies

Buggy releases, completely ripping out core attributes of the game and bad game design will lead to such sales figures, especially with minimal marketing.

Pretty simple to understand. No offense against IG, but they werent really the right dev match for making a Tribes game. The mistake was VUG thinking they would be the best match due to all of them completely overlooking the importance of the MP vs the SP of the game. The mindthink after the Tribes 2 debacle is that Tribes can be successful if its provided a good SP...still wrong.

It kills me, so much of these failures is never because of Tribes the game itself, its because of bad decisions made in terms of the games production, design and to an extent marketing. There are a LOT of us that like Tribes. If the out of box MP game was ever as great and bug free as we'd hope these numbers would be a lot larger, yet VU consistently thinks the market for Tribes is small and therefore the reason for the low sales.
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A market geared for MMOPRG's, Goth/Gore FPS, Wargames, and Gang Games will result in low figures such as that as well.

The Tribes concept is not exciting enough for today's gamers. They want insta-action. They wanna pick up a a gun and kill. They wanna drive fast and shoot faster.

Tribes never was and never will be a unber frag or mucho gore game. Until the market turns away from such, Tribes will not be a wise marketing choice.
Total said:
A market geared for MMOPRG's, Goth/Gore FPS, Wargames, and Gang Games will result in low figures such as that as well.

The Tribes concept is not exciting enough for today's gamers. They want insta-action. They wanna pick up a a gun and kill. They wanna drive fast and shoot faster.

Tribes never was and never will be a unber frag or mucho gore game. Until the market turns away from such, Tribes will not be a wise marketing choice.

I still say the failures of both T2 and TV on their release was due to bad game design decisions and releasing the games a bit to early.

T2 out of box release:
buggy release and a major game design decision to nerf the speed to hell.

TV out of box release:
release the game with an incomplete mulitplayer game, server, netcode and major game design decisions to remove core attributes of the game etc.

Honestly if just one true blue Tribes successor was released "out of box" that had minimal bugs, good server netcode, and a robust game design without trying to newbify the game or drastically change its scale it would sell and grow. We get reamed for bad production choices.
People bought Tribes 2 without knowing about any of the bugs. Not everyone who bought T2 was a T1 player. There were entire clans made up of ppl who had never played T1. And T2 had awesome sales the first week. None of these games were ever going to be million copy sellers, that's a given.

T2 came out at a good time in the market.

T:V could have been a perfectly bug free game made up of exactly what the community wanted, on the TSE engine, with the same great reviews, and it still would have been a sales flop.

The concept of Tribes is not popular in the market no matter how great we think it is.

Show a kid any version of Tribes and show them Killzone, Grand Theft Auto, or Half-Life. Which one is gonna suck them in?
Amadeus said:
Q: Why did you schedule T:V's release at the same time Half-Life 2, World of Warcraft, Doom 3 and Halo 2 were released?

A: Uhh...... well..... umm.. you see, it's like...... how should we put it.... errr.... right?

excatly. Why this question wasn't asked by the VUG forum moderators is beyond
me. This is the number 1 reason why the game didn't sell. This brilliant decision
was the ultimate death of tribes.
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Let us hope that SS:2845 can show what awesome potential the Starsiege/Tribes Universe has to offer entertainment.

If you've taken a look through what Tribesroleplayers has on their site, you know what I mean. Earthsiege/Starsiege/Tribes is fucking epic when you look at the whole thing.
Zxqv8 said:
Let us hope that SS:2845 can show what awesome potential the Starsiege/Tribes Universe has to offer entertainment.

If you've taken a look through what Tribesroleplayers has on their site, you know what I mean. Earthsiege/Starsiege/Tribes is fucking epic when you look at the whole thing.

Agreed. Although SS:2845 is not Tribes, it is a Starsiege game (the forefather sibling of Tribes) and the first Starsiege game in a LONG time thats actually being made by devs who played the originals and have a passion for the game. It shows. No more devs for hire.

I know VU knows theres value in the franchise, they just dont have any clue whatsoever how to produce a succesor. The whole project with SS:2845 is probaly the best move for both players and VU.
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aScotiA said:
People just weren't patient enough to learn a game that wasn't 100% T1 or T2.

I didnt want to learn another game, I wanted to play a new Tribes game. Maybe the sales figures will make some realize that.

In its own way TV isnt bad, but it just swayed away too much from the familiar, and I am not an anti grapple guy. I think it was a cool addition, I just think the combination of TV and the way the physics worked made it too easy to abuse the grapple among other things.

And thank you Ford Motors for finally getting your head out of your ass and returning the Mustang to its classic form. It took them how long to figure that out.
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