VUG's answer on the patch cancelation

LivingDeath I disagree with your summary for a number of reasons. For one you compare T1 and T2 to T:V and they are very different. In T1 when I first started I got smacked around by skilled players so I decided to start by playing Base Defense. In that game the bases were larger and much more defendable, not to mention the maps were much larger as well. You didn't have Heavies skiing to your base in 2 secs flat on small maps with bases that were small and rape friendly. It was also much more of a challenge repairing bases because you could only fix one thing at a time and didn't have a repair gun that fixed 10 things at the same time. I eventually moved to flag defense in mediums and lights and then to offense. I don't agree that the game needed to be simplified, because like I said these games are very different.
T:V is so clearly superior to HL source its sick, T:V is so clearly superior to Ut2004 its sick. Heck T:V is a better game than T2 ever was.

Your a fucking moron. CSSource has 125,000 people playing nightly, TV has??? TV is not a better game than t2 was, and saying that proves your a dipshit. I would like to know why you think that tv is better than t2, because 800 worse things about tv come to mind. Your other points suck aswell. T1 built the hype for t2, enabling it to sell better. TV is a monumental flop, and it aint because of the marketing, box art, or when they released it. It's mainly because the gameplay is crap-o-la, and nothing like t1 or t2.
Some really good replies in this thread, I don't have much else to contribute except to say that I will never buy another VUG game again. I promise.
aScotiA said:
Myself and many other vets who actually gave T:V a shot and got good at it will argue the point to death that T:V is a great game. Grappler was the best addition in either T2 or TV. It's not too hard to kill the majority of grapplers once you know how to do it. People just weren't patient enough to learn a game that wasn't 100% T1 or T2.
Wow, I :heart: you. :bigthumb:
T:V was a good game. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say great. It was fun, but the depth fo the funwasn't enough to hold me to the screen for hours and hours like T1 & T2 did.

never been a Tribes puritist. Could care less about the purity of the name, just the gameplay. T:V fell short in quite a few areas of multiplayer depth imo.

all boils down to personal preference....or the personal crusade for many ppl lol.
Cultured Chaos said:
Some really good replies in this thread, I don't have much else to contribute except to say that I will never buy another VUG game again. I promise.

You might play one and not even know; VUG games has companies underneath it you know.
low sales were because they released a game that wasnt tribes with a tribes title.

%90 went into SP.
it (was) a MP game least t1 + t2 were.
vehicles (with the exception of the rover) are the GAYEST vehicles ever in a game.
they DUMBED it down removing all team functions for dumbass gamers who cant figure shit out.
blaming this comunity is the stupidest thing ive heard here, morons.
place blame on SP focus, and dumbing down.
thats what killed tribes.

Don't forget, the game was released around the same time as Halo 2 and Half Life 2. A great way to sell a "niche" game.

Then there is poor netcode, and single player, and etc...

Regardless, just cherish whatever Tribes game you enjoy. These 3 games will probably be the last of the Tribes series. :(
Folks, we've seen the death of an era, it seems. An excellent bit of IP smashed because the company making it didnt give 2 shits what happened after it went gold. The question is, what now? I find it laughable that a game made in 1998 has more players on nightly than a new, shiny, top-of-the-line* game.

*game not actually top of the line
thereal Shaolinmonk said:
Your a fucking moron. CSSource has 125,000 people playing nightly, TV has??? TV is not a better game than t2 was, and saying that proves your a dipshit. I would like to know why you think that tv is better than t2, because 800 worse things about tv come to mind. Your other points suck aswell. T1 built the hype for t2, enabling it to sell better. TV is a monumental flop, and it aint because of the marketing, box art, or when they released it. It's mainly because the gameplay is crap-o-la, and nothing like t1 or t2.

CS sucks, always has always will, and I was in some of the better clans once upon a time. Unless you like camping games and what I like to call millimeter reflexes on the scope. The majority of those players ultimately are not very good gamers, Tribes1 for instance bred talent that CS could only wish for.

T2 base sucked and was totally made for newbies, nearly every T1 vet hated it. The skiing physics was horrible/floaty and slow, the vehicles overpowered and too much of a distraction (even if they had a stupid newb counter), the bases were way too far apart and the action too slow. Oh and the defense was way overpowered with all the turrets and stuff that could be spammed around a flag/base. The skill lvl required ultimately was not very high.

T:V otoh is a lot closer to T1 than T2 base was and hence better.

But I mean hell even in T1 during its heyday, the majority of players were not playing base. They were playing crappy mods like Renegades and what not. It just further emphasises my point.
The only thing I think T2 did wrong was putting in the hard speed cap on skiing, didn't the fact that T1 Base+ was all but completely ignored tell them anything?

Other than that (and maybe the mine changes), it was good stuff.
7800 units the first week says it all. They totally screwed up the launch. Thank you marketing for killing the game.

Just like movies, if they don't have a good opening weekend, kiss it goodbye.

I think they bumped the date up at the last minute to try to beat Half Life 2 out and totally screwed the pooch on having any momentum for the launch, and yes ,of course, the box was horrible.

Personally I thought the game was OK, not great. Definitely launched in more playable condition than bug infested T2.
Let me get this straight, NoFix IS NOT playing Tribes Vengeance???? damn you need to be more clear about your feelings on the game like maybe posting IN EVERY SINGLE THREAD THAT MENTIONS T:V

I understand not liking a game but damn man ever heard of being overly obsessive?
The only thing T:V may have on UT2k4 is some of the visual stuff. Other than that, apples and oranges. Or prehaps a mutant child of both, sickly and deformed.
Yeah, me and Cybergyn have been trying to get our skins on the UT2k4 model ports for a week or so now. Seems that the editor for UT2k4 doesn't like turning bitmaps into alpha maps, only accepts .dds files. Gah, w/e.

Anyone who says T:V is funner than Ut2k4 hasn't played UT2k4, at least in my opinion. And I'm not sure theres many others who could say otherwise; its simply an amazing and highly moddable game (as compared to T:V)

Mmm, being able to play in Ut2k4 as my phoenix medium is so tempting.

I like using the Doom Trooper just as much though. :)

hey, waddyea know, I'm a vet. Yay, no more member ridicule. And I don't plan to hand any of it out either. :-D