Vietnam or the Philippines?


Veteran XV
This summer the wife and I will have some time off. We are debating on a trip to Vietnam or the Philippines. Which do you recommend?
neither unless youre planning on selling her
but if shes married to you i dont think thats a possibility, even if she is relatively white
Honestly when you ask "Vietnam vs Philipines" it sounds like a manboy sex tourism thing.
"these are the only two countries that are so impoverished that i can afford to go there and still look like a desirable male in front of my wife who is most certainly disappointed with me"
Yeah I'm not sure why those are your two options.

Because I've pretty much been to every other country around Korea so I'm running out of options :shrug: Do I sound like too much of a prick saying something like that?

Note to self: don't ask jealous cave dwellers, who rarely venture out of their own basements, which country to go to in the future. Most don't know what a grocery store is, let alone another sovereign nation besides the US.
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If vietnam, visit Ha long bay --> cat ba island and the surroundings highly recommend.
In phillipines big cities are mostly shitty experiences but the nature is extremely beautiful especially if you're into diving.

for diving phillipines! Other than that I liked vietnam more.

EDIT: also fuck the haters, both are extremely nice places.
there are no sovereign nations aside from the us
theres us, and then theres everyone else trying to make sure they dont get invaded by us
Gots to be Viet Nam. Philippines has been played out. Viet Nam is gorgeous after the gooks repaired all of the fucking napalm damage we did over there.

You might have to share a cab tho'
