Uvalde Police Officers

182 out of 8700 since 1973; death row inmates have been exonerated.

Poor track record you say?

I mean fuck cops... but damn why say such dumbshit when its easily checked.

182 were successfully appealed. The actual number of innocents is most likely higher, because there is some percentage that were innocent and lost or innocent and didn't have access to attorneys who could appeal their cases. I'm sure this number also outweighs the probably small % of the 182 who were actually guilty.

But anyway, yeah, 2% is pretty bad in this situation. Would you like a doctor with only a 98% success rate performing a potentially fatal surgery? 1/50 are not that good of odds.
I can agree capital punishment is a primitive deterrent, yet effective in a primitive society. We aren’t exactly a warp capable species.

It's not about it being a deterrent at all. It's about justice and retribution for society.
182 were successfully appealed. The actual number of innocents is most likely higher, because there is some percentage that were innocent and lost or innocent and didn't have access to attorneys who could appeal their cases. I'm sure this number also outweighs the probably small % of the 182 who were actually guilty.

But anyway, yeah, 2% is pretty bad in this situation. Would you like a doctor with only a 98% success rate performing a potentially fatal surgery? 1/50 are not that good of odds.

Wtf? :lol:

of course its most likely higher... It definitely cant be lower... :lol:
There is also the poor track record frying innocent people.

Yeah, but in reality, that was true until about the mid 90's. Since then forensic science has taken huge leaps. Today, if you're found guilty of a capital crime, there is very little chance you are actually innocent
All those people would have been guilty of something though.

Even if you didn't do it, to be tried and convicted of a crime like that you must be pretty shady to begin with.
Not only did the government thugs with guns totally fail at their duty to protect innocent children, they also actively prevented the citizens from defending the kids.