[UK] Stuff to see and do

Its a british TW today.

Drink cider, the local stuff. It's always good, and is usually around 9 percent. Cardiff is a really nice city to go wandering around in. Go take a tour of the millennium stadium and as said, go watch a football match, either cardiff or swansea.

Rugby is the biggest sport in Wales though. So a rugby game might be good to go see too.

Don't drink white lightning what ever you do. Anyone outside of the UK wont have the stomach to handle it. We were eased onto it at 14 years old in public parks and such. We are now technically radioactive.

Oh and as for slang, just be prepared to be called a cunt, wanker, twat and dumb-ass yank a lot and you will be fine.
oh yeah and prepare for all trains to be late, all taxi drivers to be cunts, and all buses to smell
see a championship or premier league game on the weekend. tickets are usually in the $30-50 range
Why the hell would anyone drink White Lightning or anything remotely similar to it by choice? I'd rather rub salt into my eyeballs.

Not that you can now it's been discontinued. :shrug:
which ones?

cov, bit of brum, dorset, fair bit of (real) cockney, decent amount of manc

and of course the generic british slang


white ace is fuckin lush mate, I honestly dont understand the bad press it gets

I mean, yeaaaah, you get gangs of 14 year-old fuckers runnin around hopped up on sugar and drunk off their tits, but if you're an experienced drinker it's actually rather moreish

plus its no worse than fuckin mad-dog, maybe the glaswegians should dole that out to their yoofs along with the free condoms, probably calm the cunts down a bit
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So is Cardiff City F.C. the team I should go see?
or is there another one that would be better.
I know fuck all about this
So is Cardiff City F.C. the team I should go see?
or is there another one that would be better.
I know fuck all about this

I couldve sworn I posted a reply to that but it seems to be lost in the ether 0_o

I'd say ask meat more about that since I only really go to rugby games these days, but it's always much more fun (and cheaper and livelier) to go to a game featuring a championship (league below the prem) team on the way to promotion
So is Cardiff City F.C. the team I should go see?
or is there another one that would be better.
I know fuck all about this

Nah, if you want to see some teams play that are average at best then go see cardiff or swanners. If you want to see a dicent team then don't bother with either of these.

Edit: Definately go watch Welsh Rugby

Cardiff is a cool place to go for a look about, has a castle in the city center which is pretty cool. I'm currently at university in swansea, which is right next to cardiff (an hour train ride away?). But if you go to wales, be prepared for the welsh accent, it is very distinctive and you'll piss yourself laughing when you hear a true welshman speak.

Don't bother going down south to anywhere like london (It's a bit of a shithole and fucking expensive). If you want to go to a big city try Manchester, Birmingham or somewhere like that. Manchester has an excellent selection of pubs, some of which are fairly famous (Karl Marx wrote some of his works in a pub in manchester) and also has great shopping potencial.

If you wanna try some decent ales, just ask what ales the pub your in has on tap. Some pubs get ales from local breweries so you'll taste some authentic british ales that way. Definately try boddingtons or John Smiths, and Guiness too (tastes better than it does abroad).

Avoid White lightning unless you want to try the alcohol that younger british kids grew up on, or if you want to try hobo piss then buy Frosty jacks. I'm not really a cider person, so I can't really reccommend more than that.

While you are in the Uk, as others have said, be prepare to be taken the piss out of you.
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Edit: Definately go watch Welsh Rugby

Avoid White lightning unless you want to try the alcohol that younger british kids grew up on, or if you want to try hobo piss then buy Frosty jacks. I'm not really a cider person, so I can't really reccommend more than that.

While you are in the Uk, as others have said, be prepare to be taken the piss out of you.

1) yes, rugby is sweet

2) white lightning/ace is the shit, fuck you haters... frosty isnt bad either

3) boddingtons, yes, guiness, yes

4) manchester yes, (just dont go out of the city centre)

5) birmingham yup, decent place but almost as bad as the welsh when it comes to accents

6) Do not, under any circumstances, enter into a pub toilet alone if the regulars know that you're american... if you've seen trainspotting, you will understand (edit: yes, I know you're an ex marine sgt, but those guys are fuckin feral)

7) yes, the irish had the potato famine, the welsh have had a vowel shortage for about 1000 years:


Llanfairpwllgwyngyll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (theres a link to a welshman actually SAYING it which makes even less sense)... prepare to get a lot of spittle in your face (non intentional, its just one of those languages)
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damn... really? I cant go take a piss without worrying about getting jumped?
jesus. I guess ill just stick to restaurants, not worth having to go to work the next day all fucked up.

Is rugby in season right now?
I pretty much need specifics on what team to try and get tickets for as I have no clue who plays for which league etc.
The fuck is wrong with you people. Don't try Boddingtons or John Smiths, thats shit. Most pubs will serve at least one decent, usually local, real ale. Also, you're so close to Bristol it'd be a shame not to go. It's our 10th city and everyone talks like a pirate.

You won't understand a word the Welsh say.

Don't worry about being jumped if you go for a piss, that'll only happen if you go into some back alley local (the kind of place Muk hangs out at I imagine). Stick to the more mainstream place in well lit areas, lol.

You really are going to have to get used to having the piss taken out of you. It's all just banter though.

EDIT: I don't like rugby, so can't help you there.