TW, I just released my debut artist album!


Veteran XV
Hey all,
I noticed that the music collective sub forum doesn't seem to get many hits so I'm taking a stab into the wind here, hoping at least 1 of you checks out my stuff, my apologies if posting this here offends or bothers some of you, but here goes:

I've been working on a solo album for about a full year now and I have finally released it independently. It is the culmination of years of music i've heard in my brain that I was never able to properly translate due to equipment, personal issues, or just time and money.
So after many long hours of work, soul, emotion, and the roller coaster that is life, i bring to you my debut artist album: Solar.
It's now available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, as well as many other streaming/download sites.

Depths of Azure - Solar on iTunes
Depths of Azure - Solar on Google Play

It is fully written, produced, and recorded by myself. I also did all the artwork and layout. I had it manufactured and mastered by Disc Makers (very stand up company and very professional)

The concept of this album is: You start out as a particle of light being emitted from the sun. On your journey outwards to deep space, you pass by all the planets in our solar system. Each planet is a different song conveying a different mood/color/emotion.

here's a link to one of the tracks off the album
Blue (Neptune)
Blue (Neptune) by Depths of Azure on

I hope some of you enjoy, maybe spread the word. I have been told it reminds some of Tycho and things of that nature.
I've also been told it's a great driving album and that people could see this music in movies or tv shows.
I'm still in the process of working out the performance of this, as i am not a DJ but an electronic musician and i'm going to be blending guitar, drums, loops, synths, and sequencers.
Much love to the TW brethren
The concept of this album is: You start out as a particle of light being emitted from the sun. On your journey outwards to deep space, you pass by all the planets in our solar system. Each planet is a different song conveying a different mood/color/emotion.

The concept of this album is: You start out as a particle of light being emitted from the sun. On your journey outwards to deep space, you pass by all the planets in our solar system. Each planet is a different song conveying a different mood/color/emotion.


seriously tho congrats on ur release bro
The concept of this album is: You start out as a particle of light being emitted from the sun. On your journey outwards to deep space, you pass by all the planets in our solar system. Each planet is a different song conveying a different mood/color/emotion.


Congrats :cheers: