TW, I just released my debut artist album!

well im gonna be performing the stuff as depths of azure live with analog synths, loops and sequencers, guitar, drum machines and stuff.. but the entire tracks themselves can be mixed into people's dj sets... that was kinda my idea at least, just have people enjoy the songs and have other dj's spin em

thanks paladin. blue is actually closest to my heart out of all of them. Antique (earth) also
This style of music isn't really in my wheelhouse but I found it pleasant to listen to for sure. Congrats on the result of a lot of hard work and having the balls to put yourself out there. I hope it takes you where you want to go man.
I only listened to Neptune, its pretty chill; reminds me of something you'd have in the background at a certain kind of college and or dinner party. Not my cup of tea personally, but I didn't not like it. Congrats though and best of luck to you.

Edit: My wife says it sounds like something you'd hear at a trendy restaurant. Maybe you should do some marketing there.
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im not sure what kind of music dis is. but good for you burt! you even got a tehvul's comment there.
alright guys so i'm at the promotional phase of this whole ordeal

I was wondering if the mighty powers of TW could suggest to me some good indie podcast/radio stations or magazines/blogs music related that i can send my shit to (EPK, selected tracks, quick write up)

I have some local radio stations i'm gonna be talking to, but I was wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head some solid stations who arent afraid to give a new artist a run

btw, sales are going well, constantly getting more twitter followers everyday and buzz is beginning to get made around my area