Trump's getting impeached lolololol

This guy might be the dumbest leaker I've ever heard of. He never got paid for anything, didn't do it for moral reasons but to help his girlfriend's career, passed the information directly himself, never considered his girlfriend publishing classified information that he had access to might raise a red flag, etc. He's going to federal prison and she'll be fucking another source within a few months.

wonder how many of these leftist cucks wouldn't be incels if they had a shred of dignity and moral integrity

how many would even 'support' far leftist politics (ie male feminist 'allies') or seek positions of power were it not to trade for significantly increased access to an increasing politically biased sexual market?
Well his linkedin page apparently lists his education as Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and he also attended the Royal Military College of Canada.

Basically he leaked a bunch of stories that his girlfriend published for the sake of her career, which he then liked himself on Twitter, then she asked him to help leak information to Courtney Kube of MSNBC (also for the benefit of the girlfriend's career). At that point he was already wiretapped and they have him on the phone with Kube discussing the illegal information he's about to leak to her.

This guy might be the dumbest leaker I've ever heard of. He never got paid for anything, didn't do it for moral reasons but to help his girlfriend's career, passed the information directly himself, never considered his girlfriend publishing classified information that he had access to might raise a red flag, etc. He's going to federal prison and she'll be fucking another source within a few months.

You know why he did it....

Evangelical conservatives have claimed moral superiority for decades where the fuck do you get your news from

where the fuck do you get YOUR news from? Are you seriously trying to compare some Jerry Falwells to the entire democratic party and their MSM henchmen?

All we hear from both the left and the MSM is how if you support Trump, you are a racist, homophobe, xenophobe deplorable. If you do not think like them, you are exploiting your privilege and should be ashamed of yourself. You must belong to their body politic or be ridiculed, shamed, and attacked.

Yeah...moral superiority at its finest.
Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president, officials reveal
The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.

Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked only "in the executive branch." The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House and has since left. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he "was detailed to the National Security Council at one point."

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community's inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a "professional tie" to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that while the whistleblower's complaint was credible, he had shown "some indicia of an arguable political bias ... in favor of a rival political candidate."

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner, “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president."

As an experienced CIA official on the NSC with the deep knowledge of Ukraine that he demonstrated in his complaint, it is probable that the whistleblower briefed Biden and likely that he accompanied him on Air Force Two during at least one of the six visits the 2020 candidate made to the country.

Yeah, we are seeing a coup of this nation and I believe it is all being pushed by the UK. America oldest enemy is still our number 1 enemy.
Wehner believes conservative Trump supporters may be experiencing what he calls "cognitive accommodation" — they've adapted to so much unusual behavior that to turn on the president now would be too hard.

"At this point, condemnation of Trump is condemnation of themselves," said Wehner. "It's too painful. It's less about defending Trump than defending their own defense of Trump."

I thought about TW the second I read this.