Trump vs Bush

Nothing depresses wages like allowing in more illegal immigrants! Trump is leading the GOP in Hispanics, something the two half-Hispanics aren't even doing. It seems pandering like a shittard like Bush isn't the way to go.

You know who wants more foreign invaders? Corporations, who get cheap labor from it. I have no idea why any American would want more illegals in this country.
Bu bu but illegals do jobs we don't want to!

Nothing depresses wages like allowing in more illegal immigrants! Trump is leading the GOP in Hispanics, something the two half-Hispanics aren't even doing. It seems pandering like a shittard like Bush isn't the way to go.

You know who wants more foreign invaders? Corporations, who get cheap labor from it. I have no idea why any American would want more illegals in this country.

I'm all for sealing the borders. Why not take all those pointless military bases we keep open and shift them to border patrol? Keeps people from losing jobs and helps keep the illegals out.

Trump's plan to round up illegals is just beyond stupid. Do you realize the cost of doing so would be way higher than the drain they are on the system?

Yeah let's just scour the country for every illegal named Jose Chavez and send them home! Why do you think they are called undocumented? Because they snuck over the border with no paper trail.
Nothing depresses wages like allowing in more illegal immigrants! Trump is leading the GOP in Hispanics, something the two half-Hispanics aren't even doing. It seems pandering like a shittard like Bush isn't the way to go.

You know who wants more foreign invaders? Corporations, who get cheap labor from it. I have no idea why any American would want more illegals in this country.
Illegal immigrants take the jobs we don't want. Corporations don't need "foreign invaders" when they can just move production to Mexico or China.
Riiiighhht because ethnic groups never, ever stick together, even in spite of facts.

Also where did I support the democrats? This is the problem with politics today. I have to either support Trump or Hillary? Fuck that. I'm registered independent by the way. This country needs a leader that neither party provides. Someone actually conservative economically while being moderate on most else.

You take up pretty far left positions, including your hate for people that have religious beliefs. you fear a theocracy more than the State. :twak:

But for the hell of it, whats your take on muslims? refugees? islamic terrorism?

are you for open borders?
You take up pretty far left positions, including your hate for people that have religious beliefs. you fear a theocracy more than the State. :twak:

But for the hell of it, whats your take on muslims? refugees? islamic terrorism?

are you for open borders?

Some people can't reconcile religious beliefs with common sense and science. For those that can, great. Science does not have all the answers in the universe and never will. There's plenty of room for religion.

My issue is people who think dinosaur bones are fake (do I need to post the youtube video of the chick with the nice rack saying fossils don't exist?). I find these people to be very narcissistic and a little scary. Beliefs are fine until they blind you to the truth.

Islamic terror is exactly why I don't like religion and politics. Now, of course the bible thumpers in this country are nowhere near the extreme muslims, but it is still the same kind of narrow minded thinking that leads to trouble. As I said in the other post, I'm all for sealing the borders and preventing illegal immigration. It just doesn't make fiscal sense to try and round up millions who are already here.

Maybe some of you don't see these extremely religious people in real life. I'm not talking about those that go to church twice a year, I'm talking about the nuts. Just some of my personal experiences with religious people:

-There was a local church group when I was a teen and they would do things like go to sporting events and such. It was all cool... until after a baseball game everyone decided to grab a bite to eat. Cool... except the area around the ballpark tends to be pretty sketchy. I bring up to someone that perhaps we should go to a better part of town and I'm told, "God will protect us!" Really?

-My wife's family is super Catholic. One of her aunt's sadly passed away young in her 40s. One of her 3 sons was gay. The gay son had nothing to do with the family as it was clear nobody wanted him around. However this kid felt he needed to be at his mom's funeral, but when he showed, one of the older relatives shouted, "What is HE doing here!??" It took every bit of strength for me not to punch this old woman in the face.

-I used to play hockey, and one dude on the team was very religious. He would tell me that my skill in the game was all from god. Never mind the fact that I practiced every moment I got and worked my ass off. That's a very narcissistic view IMHO.

It comes down to the whole faith vs free will argument.
Look at the coal industry of eastern kentucky.

People started poor, got jobs with the coal companies, got their backs broke, the land poisoned, and afterwards they're still broke. Less than 1% of the money generated from the coal industry went back into the region.

Thanks capitalism!
If you're blue collar labor and unionize, I don't know what else you could expect.

What? Unions protect workers. This is the result of NAFTA and other capitalist free market shenanigans. lmfao. You stupid fucking Americans. The company in question has been making record profits year on year: this is simply how capitalists invest in the future for even more money. The aim of a company in capitalism isn't to contribute to societal well being, it's to make money any which way you can. When capitalists take jobs to countries where it's cheaper to manufacture shit because they bought out the legistlation to allow them to do that, don't blame workers unionizing. That just outs you as a clueless retard.

Stick to doing your nails.
Do you two actually read news articles about the kind of shit unions do? It sounds like you don't. There is a very good reason unions have become less and less popular over the years in America, despite what political affiliation people have.

Besides, are you really going to start trash talking the capitalism of America with as powerful as our economy is? Why even try. Just makes you look like shorter, less handsome little brother who smugly thinks himself smarter. In the end it's just an inferiority complex. Capitalism brings out the best of humanity.
Trump and Sanders ability to get in now was created by the establishment of both parties.

ALL the establishment D and R's are going "how can anyone like this..." when they themselves by repeatedly fucking people over and saying the same bullshit. Now they wonder why in the fuck when Bush comes up again and says "I will be a champion of the people, I have the experience of balancing a budget sheet once, or some other worthless measure" and everyone is saying who the fuck cares we heard it already.
like many things, unions are different (or viewed very differently) in America than in the rest of the world

i can't be bothered to write a long post about it, but, like many things, it all comes down to a culture that has been brainwashed into worshiping capitalism and corporations
Do you two actually read news articles about the kind of shit unions do?

Do give some examples.

There is a very good reason unions have become less and less popular over the years in America, despite what political affiliation people have.

Union membership has been declining everywhere because now you can lean on the government for assistance - a reality which is that way because unions wanted more support systems for people. Being able to sue an employer, for example, is a right now enjoyed by people because unions fought for that right. People are also getting dumber as time goes on, the IQ drop in the last 100 years has been measurable.

Besides, are you really going to start trash talking the capitalism of America with as powerful as our economy is? Why even try. Just makes you look like shorter, less handsome little brother who smugly thinks himself smarter. In the end it's just an inferiority complex. Capitalism brings out the best of humanity.

America doesn't have a powerful economy. America is a paper tiger that operates thanks to jew bank shystering. All of your manufacturing is gone, and a country that produces nothing, is in fact nothing. Americans are debt ridden and don't even know it. The whole system is nothing but a hoax.

No guys, unfettered capitalism is great!

Fuck the environment right up its ass :D

Capitalism destroys everything, because that's what it's designed to do. Illegal Mexicans destroying wages and fucking up neighborhoods? Capitalism. Niggers running around raping and robbing? Capitalism. Jobs being sent overseas, crashing your standard of living? Capitalism. Occupation and wars around the globe? Capitalism. Capitalists don't give a single fuck about anything except their short term profits. They don't care if entire mountains are eaten away by machines, if every single stream of water gets poisoned, if the whole of Western civilization dies. It. Doesn't. Matter.
People in America have very valid reasons for disliking unions. If you want to see what unions do to an environment, look at Detroit, Flint, or anywhere in the rust belt. Read about why Hostess shut down a few years ago.

You can't be unskilled and uneducated and expect to almost never be fired and have a large pension and early retirement. That's just not going to work out.

The union that Hostess workers were a part of had all of these dumb rules like you can't load trucks with more than one type of cake. If you had ding-dongs in a truck, you can't put twinkies in the same truck, it had to be 100% ding-dongs. Now obviously this rule was made so that they could employ more drivers who had to drive around trucks that were not even full. So now the company has to employ more people to drive, pay them week by week, give them huge pensions, own and maintain a larger fleet of trucks, and waste gas driving around trucks that might not even be 100% full. That's just a small example of the type of bullshit unions do to ruin companies and make them uncompetitive.

If unions don't get their way, the workers just turn into violent animals who beat people up, vandalize cars, bitch and moan. It's ridiculous.
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People in America have very valid reasons for disliking unions. If you want to see what unions do to an environment, look at Detroit, Flint, or anywhere in the rust belt.

Detroit and Flint are that way because car manufacturers (holy capitalists) moved in niggers for cheap labor to replace the Whites who lived there (Detroit was the Paris of the Midwest when it was still majority White) who then multiplied rapidly and ran everything to the ground. These car companies then moved out for cheaper labor elsewhere and left the problem they created - niggers - behind. That's not unions, you stupid clown. That's your divine capitalism at work.

You can't be unskilled and uneducated and expect to almost never be fired and have a large pension and early retirement. That's just not going to work out.

What do you do? An unskilled factory worker does more valuable work than you do. Who are you to tell him he doesn't have the right to a comfortable life and safe retirement? Fuck you, asshole.

If unions don't get their way, the workers just turn into violent animals who beat people up, vandalize cars, bitch and moan. It's ridiculous.

If capitalists don't get their way, they send your job overseas. Doesn't matter if you're blue or white collar, they'll send it somewhere. Better suck up to them, or else. How's this feudal system working out? All I personally see is the West going to absolute shit.