True Grit?

I liked it a lot.

Solid 9/10

just saw this.

i think it was overhyped and not worth 95%, but still a very good movie

does anyone know more about why horses have to be shot when they're on the ground and overexhausted?
just saw this.

i think it was overhyped and not worth 95%, but still a very good movie

does anyone know more about why horses have to be shot when they're on the ground and overexhausted?

i think the horse was actually in the process of dying (heart giving out or something) and thus its a mercy kill

idk though cuz i just put gas in my car keke ^^
Just saw this yesterday, It is def over hyped, so I left the theater kind of disappointed. But the movie is worth seeing. I'd give it a 8/10, I don't think it deserves more than 80%
I don't see how a movie can be overhyped simply because it's reviewed well.

Perhaps overrated would be a more appropriate term, because this movie hasn't received nearly as much hype as something like Inception did.

I think it's a fine movie and worthy of positive reviews. After all, RT is just a representation of how many critics thought it was a positive or negative experience. However, few of the reviews have hyped it as a re-inventing of the genre or another Coen masterpiece. Most reviews state simply that it's a well-acted and well-produced western that is perfectly enjoyable, if much more conventional than what one might expect from the directors.
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just watched, thought it was great

in addition to being awesome, there were a lot of funny moments

probably would not watch again tho given the nature of the movie
Good movie, a lot funnier than I thought it would be.

Really liked it but I felt the ending was rushed. Seemed like everything was going on fine then in like 5 mins, bang, over.
it's "out" for people who like to "steal" from "stores"

if it's good ill cash in a gift cert to the movie theater and check it out 4real
um wtf...guess who this is:




Took my dad (84) to see this on new years day and we both thought it was pretty damn good. He hadn't been to a movie theater since "Old Yeller"had been released.
Good enough to see in theatres, but the only part that was really well done was jeff bridges character. the girl did pretty well too I guess. Story was okay.

Matt Damon was kind of like comedy relief, basically forgettable other than a couple of funny lines of dialogue.
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