[Trooper-Gate #2] Sarah Palin abused power and violated state law (gg)


Lying about a blow job vs. Lying about going to war...

I'm not saying Clinton isn't to blame for what he did, but how ANYONE could blast Clinton and NOT blast Bush 10x more is simply beyond me.

Funny thing about Clinton lying about a bj under oath is that it has zero ramifications about his qualifications as a leader. It showed him to be bad husband who was willing to lie about his personal affairs to the American people. But it had nothing to do with his leadership role in the White House, unless you think that finding out whether or not he got a bj from an intern is vital intelligence for our national security...

This trooper gate thing has a LOT to do with Sarah Palin and her PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT.

It shows that so long as she has a personal interest at stake, she is willing to abuse her power and lie about it.

Hmmmm...I wonder if that could ever have ramifications in the oval office?
I think he's in the Oval Fucking Office to do his Fucking Job running the country, not getting a Fucking Blow Job.

So yeah, it's pretty fucking irresponsible to not only get a BJ in the Oval Office, but to get caught doing it, and then to fucking lie about it in front of a congressional hearing.
I think he's in the Oval Fucking Office to do his Fucking Job running the country, not getting a Fucking Blow Job.

So yeah, it's pretty fucking irresponsible to not only get a BJ in the Oval Office, but to get caught doing it, and then to fucking lie about it in front of a congressional hearing.

What's your persona, about this Americana?
I think he's in the Oval Fucking Office to do his Fucking Job running the country, not getting a Fucking Blow Job.

So yeah, it's pretty fucking irresponsible to not only get a BJ in the Oval Office, but to get caught doing it, and then to fucking lie about it in front of a congressional hearing.

Who ever said it wasn't irresponsible? No one doubts that.

My question is: was it actually an abuse of power that compromised the United States' security or posed a great threat to our legal and governing bodies?

And you dodged admitting that the Bush administration lying about intelligence to go to war is far worse than lying to Congress about a BJ. And if you or anyone actually think that lying over a BJ is worse than lying to go to war, then you're about the stupidest motherfucker on the planet.
presidents that have had blow jobs in the oval office since before clinton:

99% of them.

Shove it up your ass about being moral about that shit, all presidents have had mistresses within the last 100 years.
This one's going to hurt. Not more than the erratic McCain campaign strategy though. Together, these two things will carry into mid next week, deepening the McCain implosion, and giving Obama the opportunity to break McCain's glass jaw on Wednesday's debate.

Alaska ethics probe says Palin abused her power
Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:24am EDT

By Caren Bohan

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (Reuters) - An Alaska ethics inquiry found on Friday that Gov. Sarah Palin, the U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate, abused her authority by pressuring subordinates to fire a state trooper involved in a feud with her family.

The finding cast a cloud over John McCain's controversial choice of running mate for the November 4 election. On the day it was published he reined in an aggressive strategy against Barack Obama that had failed to cut into his Democratic rival's lead.

After a week in which he and Palin fiercely attacked Obama and inflamed supporters by urging them to question his fitness to be president, McCain switched to a milder tone, calling on frustrated loyalists to respect the Illinois senator.

Supporters appeared surprised by his conciliatory approach, booing at a Minneapolis rally when he told a skeptical backer that Obama was a "decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared (of) as president of the United States."

The Alaska inquiry centered on whether Palin's dismissal of the state's public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, was linked to her personal feud with a state trooper who was involved in a contentious divorce with the governor's sister.

The inquiry found that while it was within the governor's authority to dismiss Monegan, Palin violated the public trust by pressuring those who worked for her in a way that advanced her personal wishes.

"Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired," the report said.

The investigation was commissioned in July by Alaska's Legislative Council composed of 10 Republican lawmakers and four Democrats.


The scandal gained national attention after Palin, 44, who was little known outside of Alaska and has virtually no national or international experience, was selected to be McCain's running mate in August.

The McCain-Palin campaign dismissed the report, saying it was a "partisan-led inquiry run by Obama supporters," and Palin and her family had been justified to be concerned about the behavior of the trooper.

Palin "acted within her proper and lawful authority in the reassignment of Walt Monegan," a campaign statement said.

McCain, 72, made clear the shift in his approach during a rally in Lakeville, Minnesota, when supporters frustrated by his drop in the polls urged him to be a fighter at the next debate with Obama.

"We want to fight and I will fight. But we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments," McCain said.

While a number of questioners expressed concerns about Obama, one woman went further. "I don't trust Obama. I have read about him. He's an Arab," she said, echoing a false assertion that has crept into some right-wing Internet blogs.

McCain shook his head in disagreement and cut her off, grabbing the microphone back. "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man, (a) citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues," he said.

On Monday, Palin had told a joint rally with McCain in Florida: "I am just so fearful that (Obama) is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America."


Critics say that line was especially pointed because of its potential subtext. Obama, 47, would be the first black president and his background, including part of a childhood spent in Indonesia, is different from that of most Americans.

He has accused the Republicans of fear-mongering.

The attacks by McCain and Palin have failed to stop a gradual increase in Obama's lead in polls as he focused on policies to cope with the international financial crisis.

A Newsweek poll published on Friday gave Obama an 11-point lead over McCain at 52-41 percent. A month ago this poll had the two candidates tied at 46 percent. Other polls in the most contested states have also shown a swing toward Obama.

The election campaign has been overshadowed by the escalating international financial crisis, partly driven by the collapse of the U.S. housing market. Stock markets around the world plummeted again Friday.

A majority of Americans tell pollsters they trust Obama more than McCain to handle economic issues.

Campaigning in battleground states key to the election, both candidates offered proposals to try to ease the strain on Americans from the market meltdown that has cost investment portfolios billions of dollars.
Wow, I really hope that was a troll.

No, but yours is.

He said that he was a new Taser instructor, and his stepson was asking him about the equipment. "I didn't shoot him with live, you know, actual live cartridge," Wooten said.

Instead, he said, he hooked his stepson up to a training aid "with little clips. And, you know, the Taser was activated for less than a second, which would be less than what you would get if you touched an electric fence. ... It was as safe as I could possibly make it."

He said his stepson was on the living room floor surrounded by pillows, that he "was bragging about it," and that the family laughed about it.

Asked whether it was a dumb decision, Wooten told CNN, "absolutely."


What? You don't think a kid in Buttfuck, AK would ask to be tased just for kicks?

Do you even remember being a 10 year old boy? Or were you the weird one that ate glue?

To a 10 year old boy a taser is awesome. And to be zapped by it, knowing it wont kill you, is definitely something to brag about.

You are going to make a great parent one day Chavey... I don't expect 10 year olds to know what is or is not dangerous, but I would expect an adult to know better than to shock his step-son. Just wow!

You are going to make a great parent one day Chavey... I don't expect 10 year olds to know what is or is not dangerous, but I would expect an adult to know better than to shock his step-son. Just wow!

I wouldn't do it to my kid, but what I'm saying is that it's not out of the possibility of it happening and for this guy to be an otherwise good cop who didn't deserve to be fired.

Have you ever watched over 10 year old boys? They WANT to test themselves. When my little cousins were that age, all of them wanted to just have gang fights with me where I would toss them up in the air onto a couch or whatever. They would get hurt and they would fucking GIGGLE.

Listen, I'm not saying this guy is parent or sheriff of the year. But did he deserve to be fired for giving his stepson a slight shock when by all accounts the kid wanted it? No way...

Does Mccain just try to blow it off or grab Romney?


(this was a republican dominated committee, for the record)

page 8...

Palin has a better chance than McCain. He is a looser every rep knows that hes a rhino. She has energy he has viagra and rebull.

McCain sucks BALLLs. he coulda had obama but chose to play nice. Weakness is not the republican way. its the way of the democrat.
Um, he showed a complete lack of responsibility by shocking his kid. Then he got caught drinking in his squad car while on duty, and illegally killed a moose. So yeah, from a rational person's point of view (not a overly obsessed democrat) I would say he deserved to be fired.

I''m going to go ahead and assume you aren't this fucking dense and quit responding to your trolls. :ftard:
why does the Liberal LIEberal media insist on trashing the republican party with baseless propaganda yet support SEC football with media bias?

also, how is there even a discussion over this bullshit? right now it is a fucking fact that palin acted in a unethical manner and abused her power by violating state statute. it is a fact that Sarah Palin violated a statute of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act and in the context of her extremely limited experience in public office this is a huge fuck up.
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So yeah, from a rational person's point of view (not a overly obsessed democrat) I would say he deserved to be fired.

Funny, cause a largely Republican committee from Alaska begs to differ.
I think he's in the Oval Fucking Office to do his Fucking Job running the country, not getting a Fucking Blow Job.
Yeah totally that guy should be spending his time doing his fucking job.

*votes for the guy who set the record for vacation days*