[Trooper-Gate #2] Sarah Palin abused power and violated state law (gg)

WASILLA, Alaska (AP) -- The camera closes in on Sarah Palin speaking to young missionaries, vowing from the pulpit to do her part to implement God's will from the governor's office.

What she didn't tell worshippers gathered at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in her hometown was that her appearance that day came courtesy of Alaskan taxpayers, who picked up the $639.50 tab for her airplane tickets and per diem fees.

An Associated Press review of the Republican vice presidential candidate's record as mayor and governor reveals her use of elected office to promote religious causes, sometimes at taxpayer expense and in ways that blur the line between church and state.

Since she took state office in late 2006, the governor and her family have spent more than $13,000 in taxpayer funds to attend at least 10 religious events and meetings with Christian pastors, including Franklin Graham, the son of evangelical preacher Billy Graham, records show.
TseTse: "I can sit here all day long and talk about politics"

You sit on this website all day everyday spouting this bs. Might want to spend a little of that time getting a job and a life.

I expect this response from you: "Whine more faggot, try actually talking about the issue"
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TseTse: "I can sit here all day long and talk about politics"

You sit on this website all day everyday spouting this bs. Might want to spend a little of that time getting a job and a life.

I expect this response from you: "Whine more faggot, try actually talking about the issue"

Easy enough for you to prove it's bullshit.

Get to it there Sandy Vagina
"I'd totally own Tsetse on the facts and issues if i cared to waste time with his bullshit." :cry:

Spineless fucks.

ive liked watching tsetse's transformation from mccain supporter to obama supporter

2 months ago I sincerely hoped Mccain would redefine the GOP around moderate fiscal policies and run a clear campaign based on ideas. I still believed he was an admirable america hero. I thought he's be the right man for the times. I thought he'd finally be the guy to push the wacko religious nuts off to the side.


He picked a crazy white trash evangelical who hates separation of church and state, is the poster child for Federal Pork and who was DIRECTLY AFFILIATED with an iranian supported secessionist group. Then engages in hate rallies.

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TseTse: "I can sit here all day long and talk about politics"

You sit on this website all day everyday spouting this bs. Might want to spend a little of that time getting a job and a life.

I expect this response from you: "Whine more faggot, try actually talking about the issue"

You could talk about the issue, or you could dance around the issue by insinuating that TseTse doesn't have a job, or a life.

I wonder why you chose to talk about his job, and life. ( Not really, I know why )
Actually I have talked about the issue in many threads including this one. I refuse to talk in circles with die hard liberals to appease them. Since many of you seem to be confused it is called a difference of opinion. I haven't seen anybody in this thread defend Palin in terms of firing her public safety commissioner. However, as stated 3 times already in this thread, the trooper deserved to be fired for 1) Shocking his 10 year old, 2) Illegally killing protected animals, 3) Drinking alcohol in his squad car while on duty!!! That is last time I will state my position on the issue. Now you can post your rebuttal as if I or any other Republican on this board actually cares.

Abuses of power happen ALL THE TIME on both sides of the field. Ted Kennedy didn't serve one day in jail for killing a teen while driving drunk and fleeting the scene. I'd call that an abuse of power.
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In a sane country (fantasy land) this would be a big deal. But in America where our Presidents get blow jobs in the oval office and our Senators take part in the swindling of retirees life savings I'd say this is pretty irrelevant news and par for the course. :shrug:
2 months ago I sincerely hoped Mccain would redefine the GOP around moderate fiscal policies and run a clear campaign based on ideas. I still believed he was an admirable america hero. I thought he's be the right man for the times. I thought he'd finally be the guy to push the wacko religious nuts off to the side.


He picked a crazy white trash evangelical who hates separation of church and state, is the poster child for Federal Pork and who was DIRECTLY AFFILIATED with an iranian supported secessionist group. Then engages in hate rallies.


he couldnt stand up to the rightwing apparatus that has to please the "social conservative" base that delivered the electorate to bush.

i hope that the republican party disintegrates and a truly conservative party emerges. its a long shot, but the kind of person they need to rally their base is only rarely able to capture independents.

likely obama has expanded the electorate so that the democrats will have a base of about 44% of voters (2004: 41-42% base democrats, 43-44% base republicans), effectively reducing the % independents and forcing republicans to do more than split the independent vote 60-40% to win the presidency.

If Obama win, which is still a long shot, I could see Bobby Jindal making a run in 2012 as a republican and saving the party in its current state, but a lot depends on what obama would fail to deliver on in his first 2 years that will really determine if he can consolidate the gains in voters democrats have made in 08.
Actually I have talked about the issue in many threads including this one. I refuse to talk in circles with die hard liberals to appease them. Since many of you seem to be confused it is called a difference of opinion. I haven't seen anybody in this thread defend Palin in terms of firing her public safety commissioner. However, as stated 3 times already in this thread, the trooper deserved to be fired for 1) Shocking his 10 year old, 2) Illegally killing protected animals, 3) Drinking alcohol in his squad car while on duty!!! That is last time I will state my position on the issue. Now you can post your rebuttal as if I or any other Republican on this board actually cares.

Abuses of power happen ALL THE TIME on both sides of the field. Ted Kennedy didn't serve one day in jail for killing a teen while driving drunk and fleeting the scene. I'd call that an abuse of power.


Oh and the Kennedy things, few people served any time back then for drunk driving.
Because there has never been someone like Obama who has won the presidency since the last 1st term senator out of illinois
I don't get it... how do any qualities of the candidate make them a long shot if the polling indicates they are a very strong favorite?
Because the only poll that makes a difference is the one taken on election day.

That is the only poll impacted by all the voter purging, voting machine failure, and other forms of electioneering that a truly outside the beltway candidate is facing versus a desperate and flailing incumbent party.

It is possible but a long shot at this point for Obama in my eyes for many reasons. The world is in serious flux right now and if shit happens, the political headwing could swing against him in a heartbeat. We won't really know if he has a chance until after it is called in Virginia on election day. If Virginia goes blue at 8:30-9:00 pm election night, Obama's chances improve from long shot to serious possibility.

Of course, he could be shot on election night after winning too, in which case I win 20$ from fraggle in tragic fashion.
Actually I have talked about the issue in many threads including this one. I refuse to talk in circles with die hard liberals to appease them. Since many of you seem to be confused it is called a difference of opinion. I haven't seen anybody in this thread defend Palin in terms of firing her public safety commissioner. However, as stated 3 times already in this thread, the trooper deserved to be fired for 1) Shocking his 10 year old, 2) Illegally killing protected animals, 3) Drinking alcohol in his squad car while on duty!!! That is last time I will state my position on the issue. Now you can post your rebuttal as if I or any other Republican on this board actually cares.

Abuses of power happen ALL THE TIME on both sides of the field. Ted Kennedy didn't serve one day in jail for killing a teen while driving drunk and fleeting the scene. I'd call that an abuse of power.

All i hear from you are insults and deflections.

You realize that this is a white trash custody battle between her white trash sister and her white trash ex-husband, right?

A JUDGE REPEATEDLY TOLD SARAH PALIN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP a couple years ago because she was out of control on this and couldn't stop going around trashing him, fucking with his life, etc. They were filing endless complaints about him, completely obsessed and doing everything they could to fuck him over.

Do i think the guy is a piece of shit? Perhaps, but i dont care.

He was completely investigated and even suspended for a few days years ago.


Here she was again, as Governor, going after this dude with all her powers. Fucking with his workman's comp. Fucking with his job. Fucking with his reputation. Demanding inquiries be reopened. Going out there and actually taking photos of him and shit.

And on top of that, during this election Palin's out there slandering the guy again.

In monitoring how a joint-custody arrangement worked out, the judge said in his order that he would pay particular attention to problems noted by a "custody investigator," specifically "the disparagement of the father by the mother and her family members."

Sarah Pallin is white trash and batshit insane.