[Trooper-Gate #2] Sarah Palin abused power and violated state law (gg)

Anyone posted Fox News take on it yet?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Sarah Palin "abused her power" as governor in the disciplinary case against a state trooper, according to a legislative panel's report released Friday, though it also found that her firing of a state commissioner was "proper and lawful."

The ethics inquiry, which Palin's supporters have called politically motivated, found that a family grudge was a factor in Palin's dismissal of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan -- but not the sole factor. The report says Palin failed to keep her husband from meddling in the discipline of the state trooper, her brother-in-law, following a contentious divorce.

The panel of state lawmakers released its report Friday after spending more than six hours in a closed-door session reviewing the findings. At the heart of the investigation was the question of whether Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, had pressured Monegan to fire Trooper Mike Wooten.

Palin has said Monegan was fired as part of a legitimate budget dispute.

Investigator Stephen Branchflower, who drafted the bipartisan panel's report, found Palin in violation of a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain.

"Today's report showed that the governor acted within her proper and lawful authority in the reassignment of Walt Monegan," Meg Stapleton, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said in a written statement.

Stapleton added that the panel's report shows that the inquiry was partisan and that Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, were "completely justified in their concern regarding Trooper Wooten, given his violent and rogue behavior."

Monegan, meanwhile, said he felt "vindicated."

"It sounds like they've validated my belief and opinions," he said. "And that tells me I'm not totally out in left field."

The nearly 300-page report does not recommend sanctions or a criminal investigation.

The investigation revealed that Todd Palin has extraordinary access to the governor's office and her closest advisers. He used that access to try to get trooper Wooten fired, the report found.

Branchflower said Sarah Palin violated a statute of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

Palin and John McCain's supporters had hoped the inquiry's finding would be delayed until after the presidential election, in which they face an uphill battle against Barack Obama and Joe Biden. But the panel of lawmakers voted to release the report, although not without dissension.

"I think there are some problems in this report," said Republican state Sen. Gary Stevens, a member of the panel. "I would encourage people to be very cautious, to look at this with a jaundiced eye."
Oh, thank god you posted that. I thought she abused her power, when in actuality she just "abused her power." God bless.

Cheney:[thoughtbubble] Thats right George, just do as you're told and we'll take the bear away.[/thoughtbubble]
Does Palin appeal to anyone outside of the retard "traditional values" crowd? She's an idiot. McCain I can see actual intelligence from, even if I personally think he's an asshole who is pandering to the religious right / neocons / whatever and abandoning what he previously stood for. But Palin? There's nothing there. It's empty.
Most of the people who love Palin only care about God's laws anyways. This won't even shake their support of her.
If anything it'll make them love her for stepping it up to the man and doing the "right thing". Or some bullshit.
One could say this shows the experience required for being Vice President.


Under the circumstances, I think this will increase the flight from McCain. I can't see this helping at this particular junction. It'll be a couple of days worth of top story on the stations, no?
She's a dumb petty hysteric milf bitch, what's in her to defend besides her political affiliation and the rack?
Most of the people who love Palin only care about God's laws anyways. This won't even shake their support of her.

Fortunately the independents, rather than the Christian Wrong, hold the key to this election. Let the base dig in their heels all they want. We just need Florida or Ohio to pop solid blue.
so do you think palin would be removed from the ticket for this? or is it just going to be harmful to the campaign?

I think if they dropped her and picked Romney he'd win. Especially considering our market problems. If they keep her this will only hurt.
I hate the fact that we have to depend basically on OH & FL for these fucking elections.

To basically know ahead of time which states will go a certain way and which ones will decide the election makes for such a fucked up situation.

No states should have that much power. It makes for a ridiculous spectacle.

The electoral system discourages political participation for everyone not in a fucking swing state.

Whats the point of rallying for a candidate when you're in a state where that candidate is guaranteed to win?

Whats the point in rallying for a candidate when you're in a state where that candidate is guaranteed to lose?

It totally marginalizes political involvement, because people are discouraged or complacent by the way in which they realize their votes are tabulated. I mean why bother?

It doesn't matter if a candidate wins a state by 1 vote or 1 million votes. Once the majority sides with one candidate, each additional vote counts for nothing. Each vote should count for something. Regardless of where that vote is being cast.
So, like getting a blowjob in the Oval Office and then lying about it under oath.


Lying about a blow job vs. Lying about going to war...

I'm not saying Clinton isn't to blame for what he did, but how ANYONE could blast Clinton and NOT blast Bush 10x more is simply beyond me.

Funny thing about Clinton lying about a bj under oath is that it has zero ramifications about his qualifications as a leader. It showed him to be bad husband who was willing to lie about his personal affairs to the American people. But it had nothing to do with his leadership role in the White House, unless you think that finding out whether or not he got a bj from an intern is vital intelligence for our national security...

This trooper gate thing has a LOT to do with Sarah Palin and her PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT.

It shows that so long as she has a personal interest at stake, she is willing to abuse her power and lie about it.

Hmmmm...I wonder if that could ever have ramifications in the oval office?