[Trailer] Thor: Ragnarok

The characters are culturally appropriated from the Nordic people (because there's superior stories in the sagas compared to anything the kikes can conjure up in their demented heads) by jews.

So what ur saying is that you were steamrolled by the jews?

How did that happen?
yes, how dare marvel cheapen the intensely mature and manly exploits of the mythic thor so championed by absent:
The giant Þrymr steals Thor's hammer Mjölnir and demands Freyja as payment for it, desiring the goddess as his own wife. Instead of Freyja, the Æsir dress Thor as the bride and Loki as the bridesmaid, and the two travel to Jötunheimr for the "wedding." Thor's identity is comically hinted at throughout the reception (the god eats an entire ox on his own), with Loki providing weak explanations that the giants somehow accept for the odd behavior (he claims that the bride's immense hunger stems from her not having eaten for the last seven days for her excitement).


i read the poetic edda a couple months ago and was surprised to find that is the primary story featuring thor (the other is just an exchange of insults where odin makes him look like a bitch)

people of all ages and all ages like dumb entertainment, the only morons are the ones who delude themselves into thinking they're above it
also, as made explicit in the prose edda, the aesir are descended from the ancient trojans, not the nordic people, and are therefore middle-eastern

allahu akhbar odinson
absent making fun of ppl for liking comic movies

but mad about fictional magical sky fairies being the wrong color in those comic movies


also doesn't understand that Heimdall being the 'whitest' has also been translated as 'brightest' as in the smartest and actually makes sense in the context where its written. Heimdall can foresee the future because he's the smartest, not because of his skin color :lol:

Benjamin Thorpe translation:

Then said Heimdall, of Æsir brightest —
he well foresaw, like other Vanir —
Let us clothe Thor with bridal raiment,
let him have the famed Brîsinga necklace.
"Let by his side keys jingle,
and woman's weeds fall around his knees,
but on his breast place precious stones,
and a neat coif set on his head."

Henry Adams Bellows translation:

Then Heimdall spake, whitest of the gods,
Like the Wanes he knew the future well:
"Bind we on Thor the bridal veil,
Let him bear the mighty Brisings' necklace;
"Keys around him let there rattle,
And down to his knees hang woman's dress;
With gems full broad upon his breast,
And a pretty cap to crown his head."
i hope Marvel sneaks in Beta Ray Bill somewhere, that would be hilarious

for those who dont know, Beta Ray Bill was basically a horse-faced alien who beat Thor in a fight and was worthy of the hammer

so Odin got them to make Bill his own hammer with the same powers and he went around being horse-face-thor

also he had a spaceship named Skuttlebutt :lol:

i hope Marvel sneaks in Beta Ray Bill somewhere, that would be hilarious

for those who dont know, Beta Ray Bill was basically a horse-faced alien who beat Thor in a fight and was worthy of the hammer

so Odin got them to make Bill his own hammer with the same powers and he went around being horse-face-thor

also he had a spaceship named Skuttlebutt :lol:


It could happen... Beta Ray Bill was in Planet Hulk and Ragnarok.
So what ur saying is that you were steamrolled by the jews?

How did that happen?

America happened. The land where the jew is absolute king. The people in America are too stupid as they are the worst of Europe to understand who rules them, so the jew gets to do whatever he wants and the stupid peasants just take it with a smile.

absent making fun of ppl for liking comic movies

but mad about fictional magical sky fairies being the wrong color in those comic movies

They're not comic book characters. I suppose a filthy kike like you doesn't get it, but the characters in "Thor" come from ancient Norse sagas 1:1.

And yes, being grown up and watching comic movies or anime or any of that shit makes one an unbelievably gigantic loser. I imagine you're the guy here:


Baseball cap, stupid face, grown ass man, excited about kiddie comics. Just. Sad.
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absent, u don't have 2b so mad that usa is #1 in so many ways and basically untouchable when it comes 2 righteousness; we will let u join the winning MAGA team if u promise 2 kill some cucks and hook us up w/ the good supplements that don't shrink ur balls

and ya, the comic book craze amongst adults makes me smdh
America happened. The land where the jew is absolute king. The people in America are too stupid as they are the worst of Europe to understand who rules them, so the jew gets to do whatever he wants and the stupid peasants just take it with a smile.


Now it's America's fault?

You are a great excuse maker (and very envious of America).

So *who* rules you?
