[TNT] The Last Ship

I wasn't aware we had any cruiser/destroyers with nuke power plants.

Isn't the ship in the show a Arleigh Burke Class destroyer?
I'll give it a couple episodes like I did for that lame alien movie. Falling Sky or whatever. It blew so I moved on.

All I have right now is 24 since GoT is over.
not nuke - I like how they got fuel though..lucky but believable.

Seemed decent to me. Except the the chief saying "badass sir" to the CO...

and Adam Baldwin is awesome!
This show is so bad it's made me post to TW, which I haven't done in years. My favorite was when the Russians are spraying the wide open Americans but then decide to jump out of a moving helicopter instead and then immediately get blown away.

This show is so bad it's made me post to TW, which I haven't done in years. My favorite was when the Russians are spraying the wide open Americans but then decide to jump out of a moving helicopter instead and then immediately get blown away.

Yeah that part was pretty lame. The ship is not nuke powered. They find a ship in sea and take it's fuel.
how do ships sail for weeks/months at a time if they are capable of blowing through their fuel in a few days, durrrrrrrrrrrrr

also it's a nuclear powered ship and the point of the story (the book at least) is they've only got enough for another 2 months of power or something

Who told you a DDG(which none are nuclear power) can go months without refueling? People also have to eat, maintenance parts, etc. There's so much to running a ship that average people have no clue about, you especially.
Who told you a DDG(which none are nuclear power) can go months without refueling? People also have to eat, maintenance parts, etc. There's so much to running a ship that average people have no clue about, you especially.
Are those ships protected from EMP at all? In the episode a nuke goes off pretty far away from them, but the EMP kills their engines. I'd thought they'd be protected from EMP no?
Most of the stuff on EMP countermeasures is classified. I would equate that scenario to a Star Trek plot. A Nuclear EMP would cause a lot of issues, not just with the engines.
Most of the stuff on EMP countermeasures is classified. I would equate that scenario to a Star Trek plot. A Nuclear EMP would cause a lot of issues, not just with the engines.

why don't they build the ships as a huge faraday cage, then they wouldn't have to worry about emp so much...


All military equipment of any importance is hardened against emp...

and yet people bitch because they think we charge too much for that important military equipment.

Yes, the russian helo scene was hokey. I think they needed a way to set the tone. I was first shocked that the helo was missing until I realized that they were there to capture the doctor and the samples. The dudes jumping was 2 spetznaz being badass and trying to get on the ground to fight (i think).

Will continue to watch, even though they went out of their way to make sure we all knew that the black female officer was a lesbian - because that makes for better TV
Fits in with the current climate in the Navy as well. Don't think for a second that the USN is not involved in the production of this show. They are probably okaying a lot of stuff with stipulations.