Thoughts on chiropractors?


Veteran X
Started seeing one recently. Bad posture at work (dentist) and had had lots of neck and upper back pain. It seems to be much better now. honestly don't care if it's placebo, because i'm not hurting as much anymore.

Dude is pretty old school almost to the point of it being shady. Doesn't take insurance or credit cards. I didn't fill out any paperwork prior to him seeing me, he just gave me some on the way out to bring next time. He took a chest xray, popped my neck and back and then sent me on my way. Been going every week or two for past few months. $35 a visit, not too bad. in and out quick. He only works Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Any experiences with this? I'm wondering if i should find a guy that takes insurance, as it could at least help meet my deductible.
consider it like getting a message

if u feel better then good for you

it's not a medical procedure, but that doesn't mean u can't enjoy it for what it's worth

on that note, consider a massage therapist
Hack profession. I'll sell you some crystals every week for 35 bucks and get you the same results as long as you stick to it for 8 years without missing a week.
I had a compacted disk a while back. Horrible pain, could barely move. The DC gave me ultrasound treatment and a masseuse. They worked wonders and I was good to go in a week after seeing him every day. But the X-rays are total fraud. They don't know how to position a patient, and, *koff* they don't know how to read them anyway. But whatever. I didn't pay anything.
basically what's already been said... if it makes you feel good, then great

but they are taught in school that spinal positioning is the basis for health and disease, so don't believe any medical advice he gives
they're not doctors. it is a scam. massage therapy better. acupuncture too.
Garbage waste of time, and I had back issues for years. Temporary relief and then you gotta go back. Wanna know what fixed it all, full time? Working out.

You have a shitty job that's bad for your body. You have to offset it with physical activity. Plain and simple. Never see a chiro again.
My lower back hurts so much it's difficult to walk.

I go to my chiropractor and he pops my back. I feel an immediate release in the tension in my back.

The next day I'm basically fine.

How is this quackery? He fixed the problem for $35.

A regular doctor visit would be $200+ , prescribe muscle relaxants that fuck me up, not fix the problem, and I'd be walking around in pain for weeks or longer.

When it comes to back and neck issues, I go to a chiropractor.
Garbage waste of time, and I had back issues for years. Temporary relief and then you gotta go back. Wanna know what fixed it all, full time? Working out.

You have a shitty job that's bad for your body. You have to offset it with physical activity. Plain and simple. Never see a chiro again.

you are the last person who should give advice on anything

fake ass biker gang pony tail dufus
I go to one. I initially went because I have an issue with my left femur-head slipping slightly out of the socket, nothing majorly painful, but for a while I couldn't help but be in some pretty fucking awful pain.

Went in for adjustments and my leg shit is mostly fixed, sometimes becomes an issue because my computer chair is shit and I've been too lazy to replace it.

Adjustments helped a lot with back pain, neck pain, headaches, muscle tension in my lower back, and I've slept tons better since I started getting adjustments. They're not expensive, can give great knowledge and feedback on minor issues you might have, and adjustments actually do work - although they don't always work overnight and may require followup adjustments.

They're not going to fix you overnight; most of what they do is get your body back into the proper positioning when you throw shit out of alignment, and give your body a chance to properly acclimate back to a proper posture.

I can't speak for all of them, but my doc had a masters in human anatomy, among a host of other certifications, but I imagine there's a number of quacks that understand little of what they're doing.

Find one that works for you and stick with it for a while, but don't be afraid to check out reviews. They can't fix everything, nor should you go into one expecting them to.
Garbage waste of time, and I had back issues for years. Temporary relief and then you gotta go back. Wanna know what fixed it all, full time? Working out.

You have a shitty job that's bad for your body. You have to offset it with physical activity. Plain and simple. Never see a chiro again.

Did seeing a regular doctor ever help?