This term describes my country's political class

Does it describe yours?

“we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny)."

What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

Government consistently fails to fix mistakes, Auditor-General says
Canada's Auditor-General says the federal government must adjust the way it does business after a broad evaluation in which he says departments fail to consider whether their services actually benefit Canadians, cannot stay ahead of emerging trends and do not correct inadequacies even after they have been pointed out.
In marking the midpoint of his 10-year term, Michael Ferguson used his fall report to take an unusual step back from the assessments of specific programs to point to more systemic problems. Parliament, said Mr. Ferguson, uses his reports to learn about things that have gone wrong but does not ensure that changes are made to set them right.

"What about programs that are managed to accommodate the people running them rather than the people receiving the services?" asked Mr. Ferguson. "I am also talking about problems like regulatory bodies that cannot keep up with the industries they regulate, and public accountability reports that fail to provide a full and clear picture of what is going on…."

Departments and agencies work in silos, he said, failing to learn from what others outside, or even inside, their own organizations are doing.
"Our audits come across the same problems in different organizations time and time again. Even more concerning is that, when we come back to audit the same area again, we often find that program results have not improved," said Mr. Ferguson. "In just five years, with some 100 performance audits and special examinations behind me since I began my mandate, the results of some audits seem to be – in the immortal words of Yogi Berra – 'déjà vu all over again.' "


I forgot which TW'er used that term yesterday but I thank him for exposing me to this.

It was Data
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the cons have gotta start putting up better candidates if they expect to win an election

andrew scheer, former waiter and insurance salesman isn't much more qualified than 'former drama teacher' trudeau and his whole 'ya i think abortion and gay marriage should be illegal but i promise i wont follow my beliefs' thing just seems fake and pandering for leftie votes

and singh is probably the most qualified politician to run in a while (a lawyer who actually worked at a private practice, not a government lawyer like mulcair)

but real talk i srsly doubt a dude in a turban will get elected

so its gonna be drama teacher again!
the cons have gotta start putting up better candidates if they expect to win an election

andrew scheer, former waiter and insurance salesman isn't much more qualified than 'former drama teacher' trudeau and his whole 'ya i think abortion and gay marriage should be illegal but i promise i wont follow my beliefs' thing just seems fake and pandering for leftie votes

and singh is probably the most qualified politician to run in a while (a lawyer who actually worked at a private practice, not a government lawyer like mulcair)

but real talk i srsly doubt a dude in a turban will get elected

so its gonna be drama teacher again!
Yea I think you're right. Sheer just seems like an opportunist not the leader we need. Not sure why the NDP self destructed by picking a Sikh - they'll lose most of their support in Quebec.

No one to vote for in Ontario either. I just might skip the next few elections.
got this thing called "cute" to share with all of you and you won't be able to stop drooling over it when i do
be kind of cool if we could get a leader who wasn't an actual drama school teaching sock puppet and an angry old reality tv star


but hey, these are the times

if we were a couple we would be getting a divorce right now

splitting the baby as we should likely be splitting apart our countries down ideological lines
The whole of the US isn't like that, but that's because we have a good portion of conservatives/libertarians. They're the ones who push for law and order.

Canada isn't balanced. Hasn't been so for decades. It has no balance. It's just 90% left. California is similar to Canada in that regard.
i got caught up watching canadian parliament vids awhile back

pierre polievere or whatever is a fukin boss troll

also how in the fuck did you fucking scumlords elect trudeau lmao
trudeau won b/c in canada it is a hate crime 2 not support the emotionally stunted and mentally disabled

it is y orbital 123 has flourished living in canada
be kind of cool if we could get a leader who wasn't an actual drama school teaching sock puppet and an angry old reality tv star


but hey, these are the times

if we were a couple we would be getting a divorce right now

splitting the baby as we should likely be splitting apart our countries down ideological lines

Those charts show the result of globalized social media. People now worry about everything they have no control over instead of focusing on what they can control like working, supporting their families and paying their bills.
The whole of the US isn't like that, but that's because we have a good portion of conservatives/libertarians. They're the ones who push for law and order.

Canada isn't balanced. Hasn't been so for decades. It has no balance. It's just 90% left. California is similar to Canada in that regard.
