This term describes my country's political class


instead we are here


Yeah, the way it is today nobody wants the responsibility of independent thought, everyone wants to be told how to think. So they choose a side and go all in regardless of what they truly believe in deep down. If you’re “left” you have to subscribe to A,B and C. Right 1,2 and 3. Maybe I am 1,2 and C.
with any choice we make there are pros and cons

people who relinquish individual responsibility and personal decision making refuse to be held accountable for either of these action

and as a society we actually teach them, encourage them, coddle them into thinking that they are the victim either matter what happens or what choice is made

critical theory is some serious shit and it is about the only life skill we teach anyone today in education

and somehow both the entitlement and child like response from adults only gets stronger

people become even bigger victims to a system that they were more than happy to just go along with and just take them on auto-pilot

now they can brace for impact
Unfortunately, Truderp will stay in power now because no one in Quebec is going to vote for Scheer.

Scheer needs to step down and let Mad Max Bernier lead the cons so we can put an end to all this regressive-progressive bullshit.
It may have been Camelot for Jack and Jacqueline
But on the Che Guevara highway filling up with gasoline
Fidel Castro's brother spies a rich lady who's crying
Over luxury's disappointment
So he walks over and he's trying
To sympathize with her but he thinks that he should warn her
That the Third World is just around the corner
Shut the fuck up ellen
Kunuckleheads just dont' know how to say thanks neemore. Damn.

Doods like me pay your wages and give you a life, you should be bending over with gratitude. Instead you buy into the MIIC Jewnews BS and support MIIC, this makes you a traitor.

Next Memorial Day parade and you knuckleheads can honor us - for giving you an income, one you wouldn't have competing in the market place.

Those charts show the result of globalized social media. People now worry about everything they have no control over instead of focusing on what they can control like working, supporting their families and paying their bills.
I don't know a singly person who twits and tweets and does the Facebook political stuff. Maybe TW is skewing our perspectives?
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