This Right Here is a Thread about White People Shooting Black People

Racist is an opinion. People use it to instantly win an argument and make the other person lose their job and money.

Many of the stereotypes are true, but unless you are trying to help the minority take over, then you are labeled a racist. Yet it's perfectly fine the other way (Double Standard).

So the whites don't bring up the bad stereotypes and nothing changes. Instead, we hear it's because no father figures are around and it's all whitey's fault.
Racist isn't an opinion, but it is regularly used by lefties as a club when they hear something they don't like

*ding* we have a winner.

Actually the leftist derps like cumdumplins use it as a constant because they are not smart enough to provide any valuable alternative option to anything Trump has done.
WHO STREETS THEIR STREETS (even next to your home or even with your private property)




with black power comes no responsibility
lol i like how that guy is just mowing the lawn and not giving two shits about the black panther party people

:lol: i dindu notice that

btw it looks sort of like 9 ppl showed up for like a 20 minute photo op and left after they tweeted the deets
does one of those black panther dudes have the m320 grenade launcher attachment on his rifle?
not a firearms expert by any means but i wouldn't think that would be legal
It isn't the color of a persons skin, its the culture that tends to follow skin colors. It would be hard to argue that blacks, hispanics, asians, whites and so on don't generally speaking prescribe to specific cultures. It is the culture that blacks tend to prescribe to that most people have a problem with, not their particular skin color or body features.

Black culture has led to serious negative societal issues as evidence by countless statistics, such as the one cited by amram above. Wedlock is another major issue that is very prominent in black culture.

You can try to make this debate about skin tone instead of culture but you are only doing so because you have no argument for the culture side of things. Much easier to just claim racism.
does one of those black panther dudes have the m320 grenade launcher attachment on his rifle?
not a firearms expert by any means but i wouldn't think that would be legal

I assume it's photoshopped. Same picture also shows his scope mounted backwards. Another picture, same dude, same rifle, no m203 and no scope.

Going back to the original picture, it's the same dude, just not the same event. So, yes, it is a m203 and a scope mounted backwards. Apparently someone told him to take that crap off. And I don't believe owning an m203 is illegal, but the explosive rounds used in them are. I could be wrong though.
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I see this article titled "Jogging Has Always Excluded Black People":

I notice this name:
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela

My white intuinition tingles. I search the name:
Natalia Petrzela - ARQ | Live more Jew-ish

What’s the story behind your name?
Natalia Yael Mehlman Petrzela is my full name. My mother is Argentine, and there was kind of a power struggle there. My dad’s parents wanted me to be named after the deceased grandmother, Anna. Really pretty, too, but my mom made a stand for the Latin dimension of our life, so she chose Natalia. I’m kind of indiscriminately ethnic looking, so, when people hear Natalia, they often assume it’s Italian, because of the Natale, which is Christmas, even though it has nothing to do with that. Then, they hear Yael, and it’s pretty clear. Mehlman, my dad is an Eastern European Jew, and Petrzela, my husband is an Eastern European non-Jew.

Every single time.