The U.S. - The world's new laughing stock

I would say Russia or perhaps North Korea - maybe even China.

But you guys take the cake now - fuck, your new president grabs women by their vaginas....cant beat that shit!
this was why i was always with trump. cus he was so reviled by everybody yet he was willing to say some hard things. dude has balls. we need an asshole president.
putin is playing chess. we all know this. hes moving his pieces as he sees fit. the sanctions were good but now we got a guy who he doesnt really know about. he wants to be friends sure. cus that will help him impede on our interests. but trump might suprise him
Apparently the Canadian Emigration Services website has crashed (true story) because of the mass influx of site visitors from the US.

I got acres, first come first serve - your $ is still good here!
im not sure how there are any americans left after everyone moved to canada and mexic after bush was elected over gore thanks to florida, then when they all moved to canada after bush was re-elected.

lets not forget the mass-migration of 2008 when everyone threatened to leave if obama the antichrist was elected.

only a self-obsessed faggot would kick and scream so hard that they threaten to leave their country as if its a reasonable reaction or even slightly viable.
As if your country wasn't fucked up enough before hand, you now have a con-artist TV show douche bag as your president.

france had a president who died while getting a blowjob from a prostitute in his office
this is tic's (and my) head of state on the left


the guy he's boxing was a canadian senator that eventually was kicked out for abusing his expense account, abused women and worked at a strip clup to get by.

Nobody moves to Mexico after an election, it's always Canada. Even Mexicans move to Canada.
It's getting cold up here this time of year Fool, hence my polar opposite alternative.

Who the fuck doesn't like a good taco!?

I have my popcorn and am ready for the show!
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I would say Russia or perhaps North Korea - maybe even China.

But you guys take the cake now - fuck, your new president grabs women by their vaginas....cant beat that shit!
You mean, you've never grabbed a vagina?

Look, its okay if you are a wergin, we all were at one point but sooner or later, you are going to have to go for the kill shot.
I do and I have, but I am not foolish enough (especially in this day and age, compounded further if I wanted a public role like your douche bag president), in the oft chance I discuss my sexual prowess, to allow it to be recorded.