The U.S. should NOT be helping tsunami victims

T-Funk said:
donations are tax deductable and most of those donations do not go to foreign countries

so what if its tax deductible .. they're still donations ??? how do you know they dont go to foreign countries ? who says it WOULDNT go to foreign countries?
Killer Angel said:
While that is true bounty, there is no law saying that they cant give it out. There are many things not written in the constitution ;)
The constitution restricts the powers of the federal government to a very few, very specific things. Those in power have unconstitutionally overstepped those bounds, and have been doing so for a LONG time. For example, the federal drug bans (on pot for example) are based on the ability for the feds to regulate interstate commerce, even if it's grown, processed, sold, and used in the same state. The ignorance among the populace of how ridiculously unconstitutional the current federal government is disgusting.
I support federal tax resistance.

Yes, it does irk me that my tax dollars are going to salvage every natural disaster that happens around the globe.

However, in this case, we are also buying good foreign PR. This is something that the US is in short supply of as of the past 4 years. I look at my money going less to help out the flood victims, and more to appease the rest of the world, who hates us something nasty.
Excel said:
Chicken or the egg - who knows what contributions would be like once "I gave at the office" syndrome disappeared?
Okay, perhaps we'd be better at it if all filters were thrown by the side, but I stand on the idea that we as a country are selfish and inhospitable. You're hoping that human nature wins out against the "me" syndrome, and the society we've constructed here in the States is ALL "me."

It's just fucking sad that we have to be forced to help, instead of just reaching out like we ought to.
Greywolf said:
actually they have all the consitiutional authority they need. THEY MADE THE MONEY, property of the United states.
You clearly know NOTHING about the US Constitution.
I didn't give my money to the government to waste on Florida hurricane sufferers anyway, those assfucks stole the Stanley cup.
its just ironic theres so much poverty here and they give billions of american money away to other places
i dont think helpin ppl is wrong, but with stuff like this, it makes it seem like there arent any problems here

i hate money :[
Killer Angel said:
The main reason people give donations is because its tax deductable. Now, if its a chrisis, that changes.
No, people do it because they want to. Even deducting from the highest tax bracket, they still are paying for 2/3 of it.
Timmain42 said:
Okay, perhaps we'd be better at it if all filters were thrown by the side, but I stand on the idea that we as a country are selfish and inhospitable. You're hoping that human nature wins out against the "me" syndrome, and the society we've constructed here in the States is ALL "me."

It's just fucking sad that we have to be forced to help, instead of just reaching out like we ought to.

Hell we're still being shit on for our initial donation even though the government knew and even said that much more would be forth coming. So even if the US gives donations people look to shit on us. Ya know what? Fuck the world. :shrug:
Killer Angel said:
While that is true bounty, there is no law saying that they cant give it out. There are many things not written in the constitution ;)

The Constitution is a contract between the people of the United States and its elected officials.

If your mortgage contract does not stipulate that you may not cancel your debt - without penalty - at any time, does that make it "right" to do so?

The absence of denial of authority does not, in fact, equate the granting of authority. Unfortunately, modern politicians and (most) Americans fail to see the distinction, which is why we have strayed so far from the original idea of what America was supposed to be.
Timmain42 said:
Okay, perhaps we'd be better at it if all filters were thrown by the side, but I stand on the idea that we as a country are selfish and inhospitable. You're hoping that human nature wins out against the "me" syndrome, and the society we've constructed here in the States is ALL "me."

It's just fucking sad that we have to be forced to help, instead of just reaching out like we ought to.
My thinking is just the opposite - I think that if people werent forced to help, they'd be more generous. Instead, they take offense to the removal of choice and decide that if the government is going to do it anyway, then its time to look after "me."

Up until, what, the 60's?, americans had this thing about helping neighbors and friends out. Now, not so much.
Reno said:
No, people do it because they want to. Even deducting from the highest tax bracket, they still are paying for 2/3 of it.

Yes, people do it because they want to, but one of the main reasons they do is because its tax deductable. I bet you if you did not give a reciept to people showing that donated, %75 percent of them would be pissed because they wouldent be able to get a tax break.