The truth about UVA (lol onibushi) He did steal the PS2 and PDA

kura recommend some flight controls for il-2 that are a good balance between relatively inexpensive (as i'll probably only be using them for a select few games) and not shitty (as id like those select few games to be mostly enjoyable)
kura recommend some flight controls for il-2 that are a good balance between relatively inexpensive (as i'll probably only be using them for a select few games) and not shitty (as id like those select few games to be mostly enjoyable)
Meet me in #estrogen and furnish me with photos of your genitals for payment.

thanks you can find my nudes on

i shall investigate

i learned how to take off and land on a carrier with a keyboard last night after i installed it. i felt awesome.
I really don't understand people with poor hygiene. How can you live like that?
It takes ten minutes to take a shower.
Then you can feel clean and not be repulsive and disgusting to the rest of the human race.
hey kura remember when you said you'd meet me at the airshow, but then you puss'd out at the last second?

thats your style right, do nothing irl and then sit back and talk shit on the internet.
hey kura remember when you said you'd meet me at the airshow, but then you puss'd out at the last second?

thats your style right, do nothing irl and then sit back and talk shit on the internet.

I remember you saying that you wanted to meet me at it, but I never agreed or made plans to do so. I don't want to meet you.

Is this sort of like how you claim that I said that "JPEG is useless"? :lol:
I finally figured out why trIplE internet hates me: He's in love with me and thinks that I stood him up at a meeting that I never even agreed to. :lol:
Man I hate that I missed out on the UVA lans. CPL summer events were always around the same time and I was committed to attend them. I could never afford to take two trips from Canada down south so close together.
I finally figured out why trIplE internet hates me: He's in love with me and thinks that I stood him up at a meeting that I never even agreed to. :lol:

You have a complex or something. It was just an example of a pattern of behavior. You talk all this shit about other people but you've never left the house. You talk shit about my photos but you'll never post your own. You're just a coward, basically.