The truth about UVA (lol onibushi) He did steal the PS2 and PDA

Many years ago i attended UVA 5. i have never touched a tribes game or heard anything of it or tw. Onibushi had asked me to go with him. I had no clue what tribalwar was or anything of tribes. it went something like this "dude i am going to a 550 person lan party and everyone loves me there! you should go!!"

when we got to the event oni tells me we had no room and that we were rooming with people. we just drove 5 hours from central PA i was tired i wanted to go to bed and i didn't care. oni's crippled ass had slept the entire way down so he was awake and being annoying as ever. I guess he walked up to the desk and lied about who he was. that is what got him into the room. he told me that he did stuff like that all of the time. i still dont know how he got the room key with out ID.

we carried our stuff up to the room and i went to bed. he then proceed to dig though everything in the room and he ordered porn movies on the television. after all of this he sat down on his computer and entered IRC and fucking typed ALL DAY as i was sleeping (i drove down at night)

i took my shit down and waited in line and made sure to sit alll the way across the room from him, i had my fill of Andrew urban.

during the 1st or 2nd day d0ggy came into the room. one of the guys had a PDA and d0ggy and onibushi were fucking with it. doggy was trying to take out a wireless card and bit it with his teeth. i wish they still had it because the teeth prints in it would match d0ggys. I left and oni told me that him and d0ggy ordered food on the room tab and bought more porn. I remember oni walking into the restaurant and ordering burgers and telling them to "bill it to room 255" or whatever room we were in. i was trying to distance myself due to getting caught and it being shady as fuck.

i am playing UT2K3 and he comes up to me saying that he is very tired and wants to go home. i asked him if he had slept and he said no. the kid has not slept for 40 hours. this probably explains why he was on social security income for chronic fatigue syndrome for 8 years.

He is in a huge rush to leave throwing computers into bags and shit. he tossed my tower into the car and i knew something was up. the night before he mouthed off to someone and they leg swept him so i assumed he just mouthed off to someone else. onibushi has a habit of doing that. On the way home he runs a stop light and truck almost T bones us so i drive us all of the way home.

at home i am getting my stuff out and i come across a PS2 i have no idea how it got there so i didn't think any thing of it. eventually he tells me what happens. I try and stick up for him like any friend would but he has stabbed me in the back far far too many times.

So to the people that though onibushi stole the PS2, You are a good judge of character. He took that a PDA a PS2 some books CDs and other stuff. He has said on these forums as vertis that he lives in texas. i am sure with his IP his address can be found. He sold the PS2 PDA on ebay and bought things for his Oldsmobile allreo. he bought that car with money from his mom got from suing the school. the school kicked him him out due to missing days for his chronic fatigue syndrome. the money was in his mom's name due to him A being a minor and B being on ssi

Why do i come out and tell the truth now? Onibushi can not be trusted. he is a fucking snake. He can and WILL lie cheat steal and back stab you with out a 2nd though. I outed myself as rewind_rob when someone found out who he was to try and keep a friend. every single chance the kid has had he has lied about me or just did shitty things.

Onibushi stole the ps2 and sold it on ebay

That was me. He was putting his hands in my face and being retarded as we were walking through the lobby
You have a complex or something. It was just an example of a pattern of behavior. You talk all this shit about other people but you've never left the house. You talk shit about my photos but you'll never post your own. You're just a coward, basically.
Now, now.

That's just the AsPEARger's talking.

(it's rather amusing that you've tried to take something that people have said about you and turn it around. :lol: )
Kura and Triple: Get a hotel room and fuck already. You two sound like a couple of grade school kids who have a crush on one another.
im not stupid, people dislike me because I have political views which aren't really in sync with your average 20-something idiot.

I also realize this is tribalwar and not super fun friendship club and post accordingly.


well what can you say I post to win arguments, not friends

I think you should try to post to win friends because I've been here 5 years now and never seen you win an argument.

Tell him SS...

edit: it wasn't a leg sweep per say.. .I put my leg behind him and chopped him in throat and he went down.
He stopped being in my face so it worked out for me.