The Truth about old_skul

slinkeh said:
sorry man but i'm with the asian fag on this one. you have obviously been lucky enough never to encounter any real psycho bitches.....
Besides the chick with the spade.. nope.

Once I dodged it and threw it away, she pretty much lost her mind and started crying hysterically in the middle of the parking lot. I shrugged, and just walked off saying "Damn you are one crazy bitch.. Jesus."

You guys seem to be working this out just fine without me. :)

But, just as a helper clue, so you can figure it out a little better: I kicked Bev out . Paid her first month's rent even (and I have the cancelled check to prove it). You do the math.

Bev...if you read this. I'm sorry you're not happy. I hope that by damaging my reputation in a community of friends I know and love, you've gotten the vindication you needed.
GigaFool said:
Chen is right about that.

Women aren't just a lump of flesh you can "move where you want and easily stop from doing anything you want."

The problem is that when a girl attacks you, for whatever reason, you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to hurt her, or hit her, or anything like that. Usually you go for the wrists and try and calm them down, but I guess if all else fails (I've never been in a situation that called for it, but I can understand it), you have to protect yourself.

Assuming that she can't hurt you because she's smaller than you is a pretty dumbass mistake.

giga Chen's first post was basically talking about smacking girls because they are being a bitch in general. Then he decided to change his opinion cause he saw how stupid he looked on tw to 'well if your girl attacks you first then you have to protect yourself'

.. there is a big difference between protecting yourself because a girl is trying to inflict physical injury to you and hitting them because they are just being a bitch (which is what Chen seems to think is the :bigthumb: thing to do)
old_skul said:

You guys seem to be working this out just fine without me. :)

But, just as a helper clue, so you can figure it out a little better: I kicked Bev out . Paid her first month's rent even (and I have the cancelled check to prove it). You do the math.

Bev...if you read this. I'm sorry you're not happy. I hope that by damaging my reputation in a community of friends I know and love, you've gotten the vindication you needed.

Does this mean you're not bi, and we won't be having gay sex at UVA? :(
OriGiNaL said:
what do you mean I shouldnt be talking, why the fuck not. Now lets see:

1) your asian
2) im not (so i already win)
3) your have to cover your 'fuck-toys' heads with paper bags
4) I dont, I am actually capable of finding good woman in the world that dont need to be beaten on a daily basis
5) if the only woman you can find are so bitchy that you actually have to beat them, then right there that tells me you fucking SUCK at picking up decent girls.

go back to trying to be a model, at least then you might be somewhat successful...

... or maybe not

ok, fugly... you think you're all that don't you. I laugh at ur ugly mug.
GigaFool said:
Assuming that she can't hurt you because she's smaller than you is a pretty dumbass mistake.
True that. I'll never condone "wife-beating", but if a woman hits a man first, she should expect to get hit back.
old_skul said:

You guys seem to be working this out just fine without me. :)

But, just as a helper clue, so you can figure it out a little better: I kicked Bev out . Paid her first month's rent even (and I have the cancelled check to prove it). You do the math.

Bev...if you read this. I'm sorry you're not happy. I hope that by damaging my reputation in a community of friends I know and love, you've gotten the vindication you needed.

Suprisingly calm and collected......
Anyways, I have to run, but I guess I just want to say one last thing:

If you think differently of old_skul because of some post an ex made on a gaming forum where his personal life is never ever an issue, you're a fucking retard. Neither you nor I know the truth, and ASS-U-ming one way or the other just makes an ASS out of U (not me).

Good luck with this shit tom+mark, whatever it is, it aint my business or my problem.
