The Truth about old_skul

OriGiNaL said:
this coming from someone who knows how much about me? Your a professional ugly model and you cant even land nice pussy. Should I remind you again of the hottest girlfriend thread where you posted those pics of thos ugly fuck toys of yours and claimed they were somehow hot? Don't talk to me about woman, stud.

Hahaha, I wouldnt be talking stud-muffin. Why don't you just stop hatin u pathetic loser. Too bad you dont live in southern cali so I can kick a hole in your fugly lookin face. Yes, you're truly fugly.
improvmasta: some people in this community are so sure they know these people
improvmasta: lol
improvmasta: "yea i was on his tribes team so like i know he didnt hit girls"
improvmasta: "yea he flamed me on the forum once so i know he's a jerk head"
GigaFool said:
Ok, I'll rephrase.

You're as much a part of the community as Timothy McVeigh is considered part of the United States, or as much as Michael Jackson is considered black.

Um not quite fool.
I have to (gasp!) say that I actually am with Orbital on this whole deal.

Not that I'm saying Mark did anything - there's no way for me, or anyone here, to know that - but I do believe that making a judgement about what someone is or is not capable of just due to having them as an aquaintance is foolhardy.

Even family members may be more susceptible to be blind to their relative's tendancies.

I love my father, for instance. He's a wonderful man - very intelligent, kind to people, great with kids. Who knew that he would end up molesting both of my older sisters?

Again, nobody knows the truth except those involved, and even then, they only know THEIR truth.

So, in summary, I don't know the truth. I don't think anyone here knows the truth. It's all conjecture, and I think the best we can do is send our love to Groover and Old_Skul and hope that both of them find the paths that lead them to a content, stable life (if haven't already).

GigaFool said:
Ok, I'll rephrase.

You're as much a part of the community as Timothy McVeigh is considered part of the United States, or as much as Michael Jackson is considered black.

Gigafool reminds us why orbital has that forum title.
PureIcey said:
I don't throw her down. What the fuck are you, a pussy? Can't you pick a woman up and set her down? or brush her away?

Don't tell me you don't have the physical strength to manhandle her so that she doesn't get hurt. I thought you were "cut" and "buff" Or do ALL the chicks you go out with have cocks and are nearly as strong as you?

U're so naiive hence u're a virgin. U think u can just pick a woman up and place her down without her continually lunging at you and punching/scratching u?

u throw her down on the ground and hold on to her arms till she stops.. but even that can cause bruises... so STFU

19 pages later... what have we learned?

Bounty said:
So, in summary, I don't know the truth. I don't think anyone here knows the truth. It's all conjecture,

That and the fact that Orby and Giga can still have their own personal lil flamewar on a thread about anything whatsoever ;)
I find it absolutely shocking that the "men" at Tribalwar think it's OK to hurt a woman in any way.

Wait, no I don't.
[Chen-RG-] said:
U're so naiive hence u're a virgin. U think u can just pick a woman up and place her down without her continually lunging at you and punching/scratching u?

u throw her down on the ground and hold on to her arms till she stops.. but even that can cause bruises... so STFU


I think the confusion here is that the rest of us don't date prostitutes.
Chen is right about that.

Women aren't just a lump of flesh you can "move where you want and easily stop from doing anything you want."

The problem is that when a girl attacks you, for whatever reason, you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to hurt her, or hit her, or anything like that. Usually you go for the wrists and try and calm them down, but I guess if all else fails (I've never been in a situation that called for it, but I can understand it), you have to protect yourself.

Assuming that she can't hurt you because she's smaller than you is a pretty dumbass mistake.
PureIcey said:
I don't throw her down. What the fuck are you, a pussy? Can't you pick a woman up and set her down? or brush her away?

Don't tell me you don't have the physical strength to manhandle her so that she doesn't get hurt. I thought you were "cut" and "buff" Or do ALL the chicks you go out with have cocks and are nearly as strong as you?

sorry man but i'm with the asian fag on this one. you have obviously been lucky enough never to encounter any real psycho bitches.....
Merlock said:
That and the fact that Orby and Giga can still have their own personal lil flamewar on a thread about anything whatsoever ;)

:lol: They're like the R2-D2 and C-3PO of TW. Always carrying own their own conversation in the middle of things, no matter how much shit is blowing up.
what do you mean I shouldnt be talking, why the fuck not. Now lets see:

1) your asian
2) im not (so i already win)
3) your have to cover your 'fuck-toys' heads with paper bags
4) I dont, I am actually capable of finding good woman in the world that dont need to be beaten on a daily basis
5) if the only woman you can find are so bitchy that you actually have to beat them, then right there that tells me you fucking SUCK at picking up decent girls.

go back to trying to be a model, at least then you might be somewhat successful...

... or maybe not