The map is the game

-Wolverine said:
these are already in place, we run them on our server.
This is a configurable in the server ini, I currently have ours set to 30 seconds.

just fyi... :D

I'm aware that they are configurable but that doesn't excuse the devs from making such horrible defaults. Just look thru the server browser some time and count the number of servers with scores like 22-2. Trust me, it's a lot of them.

Then when the map is over there's no time to even say, 'Well I hope the teams are better next time' or 'If the teams are like that again I'll switch to the losing side'. People can either try to say 'gg' (if they're quick) or simply not bother. Nobody seems to get to know the other players because there's no time... opponents are either 'that assh0le grappler guy' or 'that loser I always kill'. I want to make a thread on this topic at some point, but I'm pretty lazy. :)
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