The map is the game

sc4r4b said:
Yeah, it was a helluava time until my textures wouldn't load for FeignedBeliefs... I redownloaded the map and replaced the files several times and still couldn't connect. :(

Still, it was fun... and it really did feel like old school Tribes.
DELETE what you have.... we were running a new version of the map that isn't up on vengeancemaps yet. You can auto dl from the server in game or you can get it here...
Yea, custom maps need to be running on as many servers as possible. Make them autodownload when a player joins if he doesn't have the map already, or a link, whatever, we just need something besides these small, almost flat, stock T:V maps. They get old way too quick. Dash seems like it would be a blast with lots of peeps on it.
DudeofDeath said:
Yea, custom maps need to be running on as many servers as possible. Make them autodownload when a player joins if he doesn't have the map already
Already working... w00t
DudeofDeath said:
Dash seems like it would be a blast with lots of peeps on it.
We had a full server last night and it WAS a blast!
-Wolverine said:
Once we have Scarabrae-NoTerritory! WEWT! :D

I have an Updated Scara finished. All the known bugs fixed.

Ive been thinking of taking the Territory out... maybe i will...

Im just hesitant to release it since like 900 ppl have downloaded it already :|
Ashley said:
I have an Updated Scara finished. All the known bugs fixed.

Ive been thinking of taking the Territory out... maybe i will...

Im just hesitant to release it since like 900 ppl have downloaded it already :|

rename it, Scarabrae-NoTerritory, that way they don't conflict.
Geiss said:
i'm sorry, you can flame me on this one. i fixed up the map since it had a few issues and wolverine suckered me into giving him the link to the updated version. for now, just delete the map from your files, OR talk to wolv for the download, but i'm gonna hold off on re-releasing it personally until the map pack at the end of the month (what i hope will be the end of the month)...

You effer! :p

Seriously... It's no big deal. I did delete the old files and downloaded the map directly from MoFo's website. I read the read me. ;) Do you have another mirror I could try to download from?

Wolverine, I did re-download the file from MoFo...
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I thought physics were what made tribes - tribes, But now that ive worked on afew maps, I can tell people that Tribes is in essence, what you CAN and DO with the physics on the terrain given. Map creators need to pay alot of attention to the physics in T:V more so then any other tribes game, and if they do, the map can be bliss
yea, zio, i agree with you. we mappers arent solely gonna save the game... its giving it some more life, and hopefully the patch lifts the game back up off its back, but it will take more work than what we have now to get this going as long as T2 went.
Ashley said:
I have an Updated Scara finished. All the known bugs fixed.

Ive been thinking of taking the Territory out... maybe i will...

Im just hesitant to release it since like 900 ppl have downloaded it already :|

hey, hold off on a full release for a few weeks... get it all sorted out, and we'll include it in the map pack. :)
Wait, this guy is gonna save the day his way >>> Don't post there, you'll get your head bit off with >>>

"You posted this"
You are wrong, I think this

"You Posted this"
You are wrong, I think this

"You Poste this"
You are wrong, I think this

Kidding asside, I agree with the idea that maps will make a big difference in the fun factor. 9 maps with a release gets boring really quick. I can play those maps with my eyes closed.

If you remember the first thing that cross you mind when you played each of the base T:V maps the first time. For me it was "This is pretty cool, I like the new maps and I like the challenge of figuring them out." After playing Cavern 9991231 times, it's like, OMG, not this map again, we just played it 1 hour ago.
-Wolverine said:
Already working... w00t We had a full server last night and it WAS a blast!

Well thats cool to hear, I'm sure it was. I've played most of the custom maps solo, but haven't checked out Stormdance much until right now on Mofo's. Totally Awesome map!! Need to see the new Beggars too. The game begs for larger hills/mountains..

If they put out a good patch that addresses server admin, netcode, and tourney problems, & maybe(hopefully),Vals list of suggestions, and the community keeps putting out the killer custom maps that self load when noobs join the server, there is hope for this game...
val has put forth some really good input, both to the maps and to the overall game play (as that thread above showed)... its really gonna take alot from the community to save this game tho. just like it did with T2.
My suggestion to VUG:

For the next three months, while mappers / modders get things going:

1) Fix the bugs in T:V.
2) Incorporate better admin features.
3) Make changes to facilitate fun pubbing (make cap limits and 30-60 seconds of chat time between maps the default settings, add a skill level field to the server browser to facilitate noob / journeyman / vet level servers).

Once a good selection of community maps / mods become available:

4) Re-release T:V with a full CD of community maps and NEW FRIGGEN BOX ART (slap a EULA on the mappack CD if you have to so you don't have to support the maps).
5) Profit!!!