The Jewish Question

Do you think reggs read the Patton papers?

That was kind of my point. He will find things to fit his narrative.

I have no clue whether he has or not. I have. Patton had zero respect for Russians and Jews. And he clearly was able to separate the German people from the Nazis. The thing that gets me the most about all of it is how taboo it is to even discuss it. I mean you are attacking reggs character rather than what he's saying. Just a cog in the wheel, with no interest in even addressing the notion. Just immediate dismissal.
I have no clue whether he has or not. I have. Patton had zero respect for Russians and Jews. And he clearly was able to separate the German people from the Nazis. The thing that gets me the most about all of it is how taboo it is to even discuss it. I mean you are attacking reggs character rather than what he's saying. Just a cog in the wheel, with no interest in even addressing the notion. Just immediate dismissal.

It is just fun because it is reggs

I don't get angry at jews. I don't care
I think the first answer is just simply talk more and more about it. This period of time we are in where the jew goes undetected and unharmed is just a blink of an eye in history, not typical at all. Everything goes through cycles with them.

I think most every right wing male age 35 and under know of all this stuff, even if they are not really on board. Tell the women in your life, tell younger men, white teenagers especially. Very old men know of them too. It's the age 50-60ish which tends to be the strange dead zone for anti-semitism among whites.

Also spend time talking with jews if you can and listen to them. I say this because if you are around them it starts to become extremely easy to pick up on their tricks. Never do business with one, but do talk to them. It's easy to hide your power level when talking to jews. They are very off guard these days.
Who hurt you, Reggs?
if i told you guys I was a prophet and god told me that if you gave me money, you would be a big shot in heaven, would you?

15 hours ago
And then for no reason at all people voted Santa in to power where he worked to dispel the “elves” sabotaging his gingerbread house, the “elves” who had already previously been kicked out of 109 other gingerbread houses, through absolutely no fault of their own of course just purely random factors
Busta Nut
4 hours ago (edited)
I heard 600 Elves were frosted in the basement of Santa's Workshop, but here's what I never understood:
1) The frosting chambers had gingerbread doors, thus preventing an adequate seal from forming
2) Frosting was commonly used all over the world in an industrial capacity and there were much sweeter & more effective glazes Santa could've used instead
4) The bakery only had less than 20 ovens, yet I'm supposed to believe Santa baked over 600 Elves by Christmas? Even running 24/7 Santa could only potentially bake 8 Elves per day, as it takes around 3-4 hours to bake an Elf; however, Santa would need to bake nearly 19 Elves per day for these numbers to make sense
5) Even after cracking Santa's code there was still never any mention of a deliberate, industrial-scale campaign to frost the Elves. No documentation exists of any formal plan to frost the Elves, nor any mention of the frosting itself being intended to be used on Elves
7) Despite over 600 Elves being frosted, there were actually more Elves after Christmas than before.
8) All 600 Elves were supposedly frosted, baked, and then buried in a 33 acre plot that to this day has revealed zero evidence that any Elf remains are found there.

Sorry, but none of this adds up.

*edit - I am very happy that more and more Americans are waking up to the ZOG we have become.

USA NEWSBLM Launches Bail Fund for Waukesha Massacre Suspect
Hitler @ concentration camp: ya'll gonna have bacon for dinner!
Starving Jews: yay!
Hitler: shut up, pigs!!

*da bum, tss*
Just immediate dismissal.

Reggs has long made clear his views on Jews, consistently dropping comments with the usual stereotypes of Jews control X industry Jews control Y industry, etc.

Do you really think in engaging him he'd ever budge an actual inch? It would be a pointless endeavor.
Reggs has long made clear his views on Jews, consistently dropping comments with the usual stereotypes of Jews control X industry Jews control Y industry, etc.

Do you really think in engaging him he'd ever budge an actual inch? It would be a pointless endeavor.

a better question would be is he wrong at all about what industries Jews control?

I think not