The "Fuck TW pretense, here's who I am" thread...

you know i will remember something for the rest of my life...and its the name, "Mangle-Me-Stripper".

Thank you.
10) I believe that an opinion can be countered and disagreed with, but can never be wrong.

It is my opinion you're wrong on that point.

But wait.. if my opinion isnt wrong, then some opinions are wrong.

But if my opinion is wrong, then im right because opinions are wrong.

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PeuswahBoy misses the whole point of TW at large.

As long as you post on this website, you NEVER, ever, EVER break the "TW pretense". This is an Internet message board. For all intents and purposes, all your human weaknesses -- your fears and desires, your sniveling desperations and your secret longings -- do not exist here, unless you CHOOSE to make them exist. And when you choose to make them exist, the ones who have not chosen to flaunt their human frailty will make you their plaything.

This place, for all intents and purposes, does not exist in reality. Why consign oneself to being a feeble little man, when one can play at being a god? I have all the humility I need in real life, and in sobering doses. I will not lay my soul bare for the entire Internet to see just for some misguided attempt at honest disclosure.

Here on the Internet, I am Benjamin Reed, the iron-fisted emperor of rambling megalomania, the man who fights off hordes of zombies with superpowered kung fu, conquers the planet with a massive armada of Nazi-esque cyborg stormtroopers, and has sex with hot ninja babes in midair...and that is what I shall remain, as long as I am on this Interworldwide Superwebway.
PeuswahBoy misses the whole point of TW at large.

As long as you post on this website, you NEVER, ever, EVER break the "TW pretense". This is an Internet message board. For all intents and purposes, all your human weaknesses -- your fears and desires, your sniveling desperations and your secret longings -- do not exist here, unless you CHOOSE to make them exist. And when you choose to make them exist, the ones who have not chosen to flaunt their human frailty will make you their plaything.

This place, for all intents and purposes, does not exist in reality. Why consign oneself to being a feeble little man, when one can play at being a god? I have all the humility I need in real life, and in sobering doses. I will not lay my soul bare for the entire Internet to see just for some misguided attempt at honest disclosure.

Here on the Internet, I am Benjamin Reed, the iron-fisted emperor of rambling megalomania, the man who fights off hordes of zombies with superpowered kung fu, conquers the planet with a massive armada of Nazi-esque cyborg stormtroopers, and has sex with hot ninja babes in midair...and that is what I shall remain, as long as I am on this Interworldwide Superwebway.

:rofl: because its 100% accurate.