uno is the type of guy that will show up to a mud sling and start the low brow on people when his khakis get dirty

were supposed to care

What the fuck is a mud sling. But if I'm wearing khakis I'm playing golf, so ya imma be pissed if some gets mud on me unless it's from a divot
What "they" don't understand is that they are happy with the status quo now... because it worked out in their favor.... but if this shit is allowed to stand and is normalized, it'll become the way things are done for all future elections and next time, they won't be so happy with the result when it gets used against them.

And it will, because they'll have set the standard for what it takes to win an election.
Well, they don't care. They know their side cheats the most by a wide landslide. Their entire political ideology revolves around lawlessness, so they don't respect things like election integrity. They are religious zealots. Religious zealots work off of feelings and a sense of moral superiority with their actions.

History shows this over and over and over again. History repeats itself.
What "they" don't understand is that they are happy with the status quo now... because it worked out in their favor.... but if this shit is allowed to stand and is normalized, it'll become the way things are done for all future elections and next time, they won't be so happy with the result when it gets used against them.

And it will, because they'll have set the standard for what it takes to win an election.

this is exactly how you reacted to trump's presidency
thanx, i'm rly personally enjoying the compliment where u thot a great deal about my crotch and what's there/isn't there
Proud Boys got themselves arrested again yesterday.

Police Clash With Trump-Supporting Proud Boys in Salem, Oregon, Arrests Made

I'll say one thing about the TW conservatives-- you don't go out physically looking for trouble or trying to hurt people. You dox and flame, but as dickless cowards that fight from your computer chairs, you've never destroyed property or harmed people in the name of politics. That's a compliment from me, enjoy it.
Dickless cowards assault women. Are you mid transition tonto?
Proud Boys got themselves arrested again yesterday.

Police Clash With Trump-Supporting Proud Boys in Salem, Oregon, Arrests Made

I'll say one thing about the TW conservatives-- you don't go out physically looking for trouble or trying to hurt people. You dox and flame, but as dickless cowards that fight from your computer chairs, you've never destroyed property or harmed people in the name of politics. That's a compliment from me, enjoy it.

werent you put in jail for beating your wife?/gf/whatever