Business Leaders Tell GOP: Start Biden Transition or No Money for Georgia Senate Run-Offs

Now that the capitalists are starting to squeeze the GOP's nuts over this stupidity, you'll quickly notice things changing.

Every single GOP was out fund raised in this election cycle.

Still went 27 for 27 on toss up congress seats and held the Senate.

You're too big of a cuck to know that, but big business backs the dems because they know they are commies and will snuff out the little guys.

Fuck their money, and fuck you too.
Newsmax :rofl:
Of course. Of coooourse a Q anon retard is big on Newsmax.
Newsmax: when FoxNews isn't cuckservative enough.
Whos angriest


I think OMA wins hes extra angry today

Data is always mad so i cant really tell :shrug:


makes a whole hell of a lot of sense, doesn't it?


Jesus man, that fucker doesn't even have the mask over his nose, boomer fuck needs to die of rona for hating america AND for wanting a "secure election".


edit- daniel prude asphyxiated in rochester NY by police. prude jumped headfirst down a flight of stairs on PCP before police arrived
Every single GOP was out fund raised in this election cycle.

Still went 27 for 27 on toss up congress seats and held the Senate.

You're too big of a cuck to know that, but big business backs the dems because they know they are commies and will snuff out the little guys.

Fuck their money, and fuck you too.

yes, big business wants communism

smooth brain takes 2020
so you accept the election results of the house and senate races but not the presidential race? could you explain how that makes sense to you?

When I went to bed election night, trump was up bigly in every swing state.

Each state had quit counting for the night (2am is when I shut it off).

I wake up, trump is losing or has lost almost all of his lead in WI, MI, PA, NC and GA.

Wait... they stopped counting and I got up at 6am the following morning.

How does that happen?

Biden under performed in every major city vs Hillary in 2016, except in Atl, Philly, Minneapolis, and Detroit. Where not only did he outperform Hillary, he put up record shattering numbers with many precincts recording more votes than registered voters.

Trump added 10 million votes and gained in very demographic except white males.

Countless screen shots/videos show votes moving on election night.

Thousands of Affidavits from the people put in a position to safe guard our election stating voter fraud.

Whistle blowers.

Dominion used in all the states that quit counting.

Eye witnesses stating a van full of ballots arrived at 2am in PA, 97% of which went one direction. That can’t happen.

27 swing congress districts all went for republicans, meaning the dem ideology of defund police and big socialism failed across the country, except trump lost.

Trump gained a larger percentage of minority voters than any Republican since 1960, and still lost.

Ohio went red, hasn’t called an election wrong since 1960.

This may be the biggest reason... Biden got 80 million votes. Like really... think about that. Better than Obama? I know plenty of Dems who just say this one out because ’they both suck’. For fucks sake, my hardcore libtard neighbor wrote in the wu-Tang Clan because he just could vote for e pedo.

Biden lost 16 of the 19 Bellwether counties. The same 19 counties all voted for trump in 2016.

And you’re questioning how someone could be skeptical of votes that show up at 4am, after the polls closed, and 90%+ go to one candidate.

Do you even listen to yourself?
When I went to bed election night, trump was up bigly in every swing state.

Each state had quit counting for the night (2am is when I shut it off).

I wake up, trump is losing or has lost almost all of his lead in WI, MI, PA, NC and GA.

Wait... they stopped counting and I got up at 6am the following morning.

How does that happen?

Biden under performed in every major city vs Hillary in 2016, except in Atl, Philly, Minneapolis, and Detroit. Where not only did he outperform Hillary, he put up record shattering numbers with many precincts recording more votes than registered voters.

Trump added 10 million votes and gained in very demographic except white males.

Countless screen shots/videos show votes moving on election night.

Thousands of Affidavits from the people put in a position to safe guard our election stating voter fraud.

Whistle blowers.

Dominion used in all the states that quit counting.

Eye witnesses stating a van full of ballots arrived at 2am in PA, 97% of which went one direction. That can’t happen.

27 swing congress districts all went for republicans, meaning the dem ideology of defund police and big socialism failed across the country, except trump lost.

Trump gained a larger percentage of minority voters than any Republican since 1960, and still lost.

Ohio went red, hasn’t called an election wrong since 1960.

This may be the biggest reason... Biden got 80 million votes. Like really... think about that. Better than Obama? I know plenty of Dems who just say this one out because ’they both suck’. For fucks sake, my hardcore libtard neighbor wrote in the wu-Tang Clan because he just could vote for e pedo.

Biden lost 16 of the 19 Bellwether counties. The same 19 counties all voted for trump in 2016.

And you’re questioning how someone could be skeptical of votes that show up at 4am, after the polls closed, and 90%+ go to one candidate.

Do you even listen to yourself?

The reees are hitting new levels

It's all bullshit, the left is winning because they get off their asses and fight.

They kill and shoot us in the streets and we still do not do anything.

Commies riot, kill, threaten and everyone just kneels.

Tick tock, kraken is all bullshit, gas lighting.

We just meme pretending the courts will side with us when the reality is the commies will do exactly what they have been doing. Threaten to kill us and our families until the fraud is rammed through