cry more

no one cares

we will let the voter fraud investigations and court cases go on patiently, like we did with muh russia.

All the cases have been thrown out, it's over. It'll be certified over on the 14th, then the fat turd will be dragged out on his ass on the WH lawn come January.
All the cases have been thrown out, it's over. It'll be certified over on the 14th, then the fat turd will be dragged out on his ass on the WH lawn come January.



I demand that you play the game by the rules we just made up at the last minute in violation of the established rulebook we've used for the last 230 years!

Why won't you concede and just shake hands like a good sport after we spend months accusing you of literally murdering 200,000 Americans...

Why the chip on your shoulder?
I demand that you play the game by the rules we just made up at the last minute in violation of the established rulebook we've used for the last 230 years!

Why won't you concede and just shake hands like a good sport after we spend months accusing you of literally murdering 200,000 Americans...

Why the chip on your shoulder?

omg why don't you just concede after 4 years of pure hell we've put you through and 3 years of yelling at you to be patient while the mueller investigation for muh russia continues?!

and who cares about that little old impeachment we threw at you for daring to question the Ukraine about the bidens and burisma? seriously, you should just leave!

also, expect to be put in jail for obstructing justice of a crime you never committed!! reeeeeeeeeee
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makes a whole hell of a lot of sense, doesn't it?


These rules aren't meant to seriously protect anyone from a disease.

They're meant for one side of the glass - the "counters" - to commit fraud, and the other side - the "observers" - to be unable to see and stop the fraud.

It's theater.
These rules aren't meant to seriously protect anyone from a disease.

They're meant for one side of the glass - the "counters" - to commit fraud, and the other side - the "observers" - to be unable to see and stop the fraud.

It's theater.

Business Leaders Tell GOP: Start Biden Transition or No Money for Georgia Senate Run-Offs

Now that the capitalists are starting to squeeze the GOP's nuts over this stupidity, you'll quickly notice things changing.