the dragoon that attack with no weaponds but grenades can out of the battle alive but

LGBR 08-14-2013, 10:47 AM

I am very disappointed that we will never know what really happened to the dragoons with no weapons but grenades.

I know I'm replying to a three year old post, but we know exactly what happened to the draggon that attack with no weaponds but grenades

he can out of the battle alive

but mortally wounded

he died after

The rabbit knows
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the dragoon that attack with no weaponds but grenades came out of the battle alive but

The dragoon rteurned after long rested Laying deeply the demons lied. Flies overhead made a deep buzzing moist. Cernel Morrless initiated the raidio and thre was silence. <BREAK BREAK>, he said over and over in the dark.

He lokked at his emptied grenade storage and wondered just how he would get through the next attacks,