Texas A&M going to the SEC

UT is by far the richest program in cfb with a huge fanbase and a fertile recruiting ground

they would be just fine
I'd like to see Texas get into a better conference with more competition. Things will be quite different with Nebraska and A&M gone. However, Texas wants bowl games and the best way to do that is to stomp your division. Thank the BCS for that.

Isn't it a catch-22 with the mega conferences and the BCS? The mega conferences are discouraged until the BCS is better structured, and re-structuring the BCS is difficult unless the mega conferences come about.

I still think there's a possibility for Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma state to escape together. Baylor will be left behind.
If that conference loses anything in addition to A&M it is very difficult imagining them keeping an automatic bid.

Once UT is out of an automatic bid conference they are screwed because no team will schedule them in Austin so they would pretty much need to go undefeated to get a BCS game.
absolutely could go independent, just like ND... without the automatic bid.... off a 5-7 record. But, you have that TV Network, just need some teams to play.

Good times.
Independent texas would be gay as hell

and honestly, the texas ou game is only exciting because both teams have been good for the past 10+ years and it has had national title implications, but aTm and UT has always been a good game even when they are both shitty

it was a fucking shame when Arkansas went to the SEC and never played texas again, and it will be a shame if the aggies do that too. Just try and get excited for the LSU A&M rivalry game every year while texas is off playing army and air force like notre dame does

Plus the aggies will have to change their fight song

this whole thing is sad face, and its a shame the aggies are so butt hurt about tv
ND needs to go sit the fuck down and eat a bowl of fuck. they haven't been relevant in decades. i wish the ap would stop sucking the irish cock and quit rating them just because they are notre dame.
From Doug Gottleib's twitter:

High ranking source at Texas A&M confirms, going to SEC. Clemson, FSU, Missouri likely to join.
Missouri feels like they should be a big 10 team instead of an SEC team but I understand why the SEC would want them for TV coverage purposes.
Clemson? Not really clear to me what they bring to the table.

probably view them as a good fit culturally and they want to get to 16 - plus it gives SC an extra non conference game to play with and clemson has some history with some other teams (though not as much as GT obviously)

I would love Tech to rejoin the SEC, but the odds are pretty low at this point imo - our only hope would be if the big 10 decided to go out of their region and plant a flag in the heart of SEC country
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I could see the big 12 picking up, boise and air force. And maybe they could push for two more say TCU and someone else.
I could see the big 12 picking up, boise and air force. And maybe they could push for two more say TCU and someone else.

I sincerely doubt that big12 can recruit anyone right now. There has to be atleast a 50/50 chance that that conference is gone in 3 years.
goodbye to texas university...

time to start singing the first verse of the war hymn

All hail to dear old Texas A&M
Rally around Maroon and White
Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies
They are the boys who show the real old fight
That good old Aggie Spirit thrills us
And makes us yell and yell and yell
So let's fight for dear old Texas A&M
We're gonna beat you all to…
Chigaroogarem, Chigaroogarem
Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M

Glad to see us go, road trips to Baton Rouge, Tuscaloosa, and Knoxville sound way better then trips to ames, manhattan, and other shitty midwest schools in the big 12. I hope we keep playing texas though, can't imagine that ending.
I sincerely doubt that big12 can recruit anyone right now. There has to be atleast a 50/50 chance that that conference is gone in 3 years.

Well, UT can go independent, but I'm thinking where OU would go, Big 10 maybe and expand that conference some more? That would revive the the OU/NEB game and OU could always schedule Texas as a every year non conference game.
It's all about markets. SEC controls Florida, Georgia, South Carolina (somewhat), so there's no reason to add a team from there

It's not about location, markets, $$$, $$$, $$$

With that said I've heard Missouri (for St. Louis market and Kansas City market) or Virginia Tech (for Virginia), or West Virginia (but I don't think they have that big of national appeal)

Missouri doesn't pull much of the Kansas City market, because Kansas is located geographically closer. I don't know about St Louis at all, I rarely go there.

All the money is in the suburbs of KC, and the good majority of that is KU You also have K-State, etc which has a strong position here, you aren't going to get KC.

I don't see anyone wanting Mizzou to be honest, its not really that much market. KU is a 2 & 1/2 hour drive west of Mizzou, and pulls in much bigger $$$
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