Texas A&M going to the SEC

Jerry I as many others are of the opinion that the super conferences are the future. I also think the big players espn/bcs stopped us from moving to the pac 10 last year with an absurd tv deal so they can get their ducks in a row for the super conference.

I believe Texas, Tech, Ou and Okie lite will head west, you guys will go east and Baylor will wallow in conference usa territory

The only place the LHN can exist is in a still-undefined PAC network. It absolutely cannot survive on its own merits outside of the State of Texas.
A part of me thinks all the conference re-alignment and super conferences has ESPN written all over it. With super conferences brings a playoff system and in my opinion ESPN is hardcore pro playoff.
The only place the LHN can exist is in a still-undefined PAC network. It absolutely cannot survive on its own merits outside of the State of Texas.

IMG and ESPN disagree with you and until I see a successful worldwide channel named Phyzx, I'll take their word over yours
IMG and ESPN disagree with you and until I see a successful worldwide channel named Phyzx, I'll take their word over yours

Hey, I'm all good with being wrong; its happened before. Thing is, that "network" has a diminishing market, and has yet to find a carrier. Can't fit inside the SEC T.V. deals, can't fit within the Big10 Network, and certainly can't survive its 1st year without a conference now that the NCAA has chimed in.
unless you're willing to argue the success of the WNBA in terms of television profits, I have no idea what your fucking point would be.

If a television broadcast falls on its face in the woods but nobody hears it, does it really exist?
Hey, I'm all good with being wrong; its happened before. Thing is, that "network" has a diminishing market, and has yet to find a carrier. Can't fit inside the SEC T.V. deals, can't fit within the Big10 Network, and certainly can't survive its 1st year without a conference now that the NCAA has chimed in.

That is all speculation your part and WTF are you talking about the NCAA chiming in about a conference

ESPN ponyed up 300 million for a Longhorn network, they'll make it work
That is all speculation your part and WTF are you talking about the NCAA chiming in about a conference

ESPN ponyed up 300 million for a Longhorn network, they'll make it work

They also purchased a minority stake into Arena Football in 2006 and we all know how that turned out. You're just as far on the opposite end of the spectrum as Phyzx. Just because ESPN or any other network gives it blessing, doesn't necessarily make it a great idea.
That is all speculation your part and WTF are you talking about the NCAA chiming in about a conference

ESPN ponyed up 300 million for a Longhorn network, they'll make it work

Everything is speculation at this point, duh. What isn't speculation is the fact that LHN doesn't have a carrier yet, and the fact that the NCAA ruled that LHN cannot show high school football games.

Don't get your panties all twisted up though Juzfugen, I only stated that I believed LHN could fit within the framework of the PAC Network which is still undefined.
So the SEC said no to A&M. Is A&M gunna be left out in the cold?


Most people agree that they're posturing in order avoid the legal conflict with the Big12. TAMU would have to leave the Big12 1st, then the SEC could extend an invitation. (or leave them dangling in the wind!)

Texas Legislature cancelled their meeting today that was to discuss Texas A&M specifically.

TAMU's Board of Regents has voted that President R. Bowen Loftin now has authorization to make moves with regards to Texas A&M's conference future.

blog notes from Press Conference, following BOR meeting:

  • 4:24 "It's not what wrong with the B12 as much as what's right for TAMU."

    4:25 Looking at it as a positive thing...greater visibility.

    4:26 Spoke to Slive at the Cotton Bowl...then again July 21 after board mtg.

    4:26 Off and on convos with Slive the last few weeks.

    4:27 Today's mtg means one thing: I am authorized to take actions. Asked if there was a timeline: "Not for me."

    4:28 B12 went through a major upheaval last year...gone through another one recently.

    4:29 Deflects question on whether he'd accept an invite from SEC.

    4:30 Said he didn't expect anything to come from yesterday's SEC mtg. "Their press release speaks for itself."

    4:32 Asked if the goal for A&M is to be a part of the SEC: "I can't say that."

    4:33 Loftin has talked with coaches, got input...told them it's a lengthy process.

    4:34 If A&M negotiates an exit, ability to continue a UT rivalry game on Thanksgiving would be a big part of the discussions.

    4:36 Anything we do will be in the best interest of TAMU, State of TX. Also concerned about other B12 members.

    4:37 There is a chance A&M could stay in the B12: "Certainly."
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