Tawny Kitaen dide RIP :(

She was such a Trainwreck

But u know you'd hit.

a lot of these aren't necessarily 'obscure' but imo u should watch these 80's movies if you haven't seen them yet

Meatballs (technically 1979 but meh)
DC Cab
Strange Brew
Brewsters Millions
Spies Like Us
Real Genius
Weird Science
Maximum Overdrive
Short Circuit
Stand By Me
Lost Boys
Princess Bride
Secret of My Success
Summer School
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Young Guns
Gleaming the Cube
Ski School 1&2 (90's i guess)

I will add (though I will mention I haven't seen most of these in decades so I have no idea how they hold up, and many are pure schlock):

Turk 182
The Rescue
Batteries Not Included
One Crazy Summer
They Live
King Solomon's Mines
Young Einstein
The Last Starfighter
Ice Pirates
A Fish Called Wanda
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Uncommon Valor
Space Camp
The Toy
Robot Jox
Little Monsters
The Secret of Nimh
Iron Eagle
Red Sonja
Buckaroo Banzai
The Blob
Flash Gordon
Cherry 2000
Heavy Metal
The Gate
Evil Dead/2/Army of Darkness

Oh and anything by Andy Sidaris for laughs
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

This is one of my favourite comedies ever.

When Steve Martin is pretending to be paralyzed, and Michael Caine is beating the shit out of his shin with a switch is a scene that makes me laugh still.
Freddy Benson: I didn't steal any money! She just saw me with another woman! You're French, you understand that!
Inspector Andre: To be with another woman, that is French. To be caught, that is American.
Pulmonary embolisms are a bitch. Headly woulda been perfect as a recurring MCU character.
Pulmonary embolisms are a bitch. Headly woulda been perfect as a recurring MCU character.

I do believe they could have made a second DRS, with the characters of Headly and Caine, puppeting the Ruprechet charachter, and it could have gone on for a while.
dang i didn't know glenne headly dide

Young Einstein
The Last Starfighter
A Fish Called Wanda
The Secret of Nimh
Iron Eagle
Red Sonja
Flash Gordon
Evil Dead/2/Army of Darkness

btw i like ur list esp these, classics! a few of these i considered putting in mine

a few on urs i haven't seen, will have to check them out ty

btw michael caine looks soo young in dirty rotten scoundrels
I will add (though I will mention I haven't seen most of these in decades so I have no idea how they hold up, and many are pure schlock):

Turk 182
The Rescue
Batteries Not Included
One Crazy Summer
They Live
King Solomon's Mines
Young Einstein
The Last Starfighter
Ice Pirates
A Fish Called Wanda
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Uncommon Valor
Space Camp
The Toy
Robot Jox
Little Monsters
The Secret of Nimh
Iron Eagle
Red Sonja
Buckaroo Banzai
The Blob
Flash Gordon
Cherry 2000
Heavy Metal
The Gate
Evil Dead/2/Army of Darkness

Oh and anything by Andy Sidaris for laughs

I love most of these. Flash Gordon is hard for me because it came out when my little sister died.

Brazil is something I didn't even know about until college. That was a dark comedy + 1984 dystopian stuff.

Runaway was fun, gave Gene Simmons a chance to compete with Tom Selleck.

A Fish Called Wanda was brilliant. Kevin Kline, John Cleese, and arguably Jamie Lee Curtis' best performance. Kevin Kilne's character was fantastic.
dang i didn't know glenne headly dide

btw i like ur list esp these, classics! a few of these i considered putting in mine

a few on urs i haven't seen, will have to check them out ty

btw michael caine looks soo young in dirty rotten scoundrels

It's always weird when "the old character" is still rather young, particularly as the character ages. It's like how Harrison Ford in Crystal Skull was older than Connery was in Last Crusade, then you go back and watch Last Crusade and Connery doesn't really look that old considering he was still acting 20+ years later.
Licensed to drive
The Survivors
Red dawn
Up in smoke
Up the creek
Used cars
House 2