Suspect in Boulder Mass Shooting Identified

hello i was told there would be some MAGA here. is anyone home?

sry m8 democracy is dead u wont find anything gr8 anymore just the slow inevitable death of western civilization
What gets me is he was here all this time and nothing bothered him. Biden is president, and now he decides to kill everyone, probably in the name of Islam.

His mistake was not killing himself at the end, flawed programming.
why is it flawed programming not to kill himself?

I'm glad anytime a shooter is taken alive, because then we have an opportunity to execute them. execution is not punishment, it is justice for society.
I feel safe and secure knowing that these shooters are always "under the FBI's radar."
honest question
can you normally buy a gun if you sucker punch then beat the shit out of someone a couple years prior? shouldn't a background check catch that?

I don’t think you can legislate a solution to crazy. If you are determined to kill a lot of people, there isn’t much that can stop you. Take their gun, they can still drive into a crowd. No amount of gun control or lack there of can stop someone from mass murder if they are intent upon it.

This is life in a big world. It’s an infinitesimal event, so don’t worry about it. Live your life
why is it flawed programming not to kill himself?

I'm glad anytime a shooter is taken alive, because then we have an opportunity to execute them. execution is not punishment, it is justice for society.

Real justice would include punishment.

We've Got Tweets From All The Liberals Who Claimed CO Shooter was a 'White Trump Supporter' Rob Maness

I feel safe and secure knowing that these shooters are always "under the FBI's radar."

They're too busy going after all the Murderous Capital Rioters
who didn't murder anyone.
The FBI is corrupt. Never talk to them, and once they identify themselves start your phone recorder.... they'll probably walk away.
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is now doing public relations for the Colorado terrorist Ahmad al-Issa.

Their “fact check” on a National Pulse Facebook link insists he isn’t an Islamist terrorist (he is) and claims Hirono and Duckworth aren’t making anti-white demands (they are).

The author of their false “fact check” is someone called “Dana Ford” who worked at CNN.

Ford was sued for defamation and false reporting in 2015. She now works for a false fact checking website run by creepy
He plead guilty in 2018 to a 3rd degree misdemeanor.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) FBI

From NICS (The background check dept)
NICS Process

When a person tries to buy a firearm, the seller, known as a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL), contacts NICS electronically or by phone. The prospective buyer fills out the ATF form, and the FFL relays that information to the NICS. The NICS staff performs a background check on the buyer. That background check verifies the buyer does not have a criminal record or isn't otherwise ineligible to purchase or own a firearm. Since launching in 1998, more than 300 million checks have been done, leading to more than 1.5 million denials.

I guess the details are important:
Were convicted of a crime that carried a sentence of more than one year, or a misdemeanor that carried a sentence of over two years

They probably let him off with a light sentence to avoid being called "racist". No doubt, there is a DA in that area that could have saved some lives. The family could have saved some lives. There were many opportunities to help this guy. All these people who said they knew he was a ticking time bomb carry a lot of blame IMO.

Where is the reporting on this? In this case, we had enough law in place to deny him his initial purchase. The FBI already and him on a fucking list.

The guy was sick. He threatened to kill people before. His family saw him "playing with a machine gun" two days before. They are dumb fucks but they did notice that he had a gun and took it from it. They gave it back.

Seriously, if someone threatens to kill people, gets convicted of assault (has a record of violence) is telling people paranoid things, is on a watch list for the FBI and successfully goes to buy a gun passing a background check - more laws are not going to help.

Get serious about enforcing gun laws. Quit being afraid of racism and do the job.
Ted is absolutely right. Let's see if it passes this time.
So fucking sick of these pussies in power in some of these "progressive" cities that just let crime take over.

It's not like CO doesn't have LE and equipment. They are letting these weak ass DAs, politicians and dipshit mayors run the show. Then, the entire area suffers and falls apart.

I see Boulder on the same path as Portland, OR. They just don't learn. You must punish criminals. You can't favor one color or background over another. You can't wink, slap wrists and expect things to be better. You must punish criminals. Good people are on the side of the law. It is absurd to punish them.

However, we are taking about the same dipshits who just threw open the border and created chaos. Not to mention that there is no COVID testing at the southern border. It's just "come on in". That is a serious clusterfuck down there right now.
crazy man now that the election is sealed and we bombs some shit magically ppl shooting places up.. bet they all ar-15's too. Totally legit bros.
LOOK!!! Another opportunity to get a criminal behind bars!
Life! Life! At least 10 years. Do it. No new laws needed.

Damn, TW is good at this.

Here is what the guy was carrying:


Huh? Backwards World....



I wonder if those guns are legally registered?

How can we spin this.....

I know! Let's sue the manufacturers!
White people! White people did this. Fucking white people. Probably EVIL WHITE MALES. Motherfuckers. Always doing shit.
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Tunnel to Towers stepped in and paid off the Talley family mortgage. That is cool. Doesn't bring dad back but it is a useful contribution to making things better. I wish he wouldn't have just charged in like he did. It was brave. I bet his tactical training wasn't as up to date as the SWAT team. Anyway, he seemed like a good guy and caught an unlucky round from a sick man. RIP Talley.