Suspect in Boulder Mass Shooting Identified

syrian "refugee" eh


i really hated having to rationalize obama's decision to ship somalian refugees to san antonio and michigan (IIRC). dallas just got a few busloads of migrants and while i understand plight blah blah blah i'm just not sure of where all these decisions really lead
if u don't bleev me then axe anybody from my childhood

masshole fambly moved 2 colorado when i was a toddler and i massholed all over growing up and was constantly flagged 4 "emotional review" as the kid who was going 2 open fire
btw this is no joke

dood would have been under lots more scrutiny growing up if school admin didn't have to worry about his "i'll say you made it up and you're a hate criminal" fag bullshit being enabled and openly rewarded by the mass media
i'd be more worried about the gut if i were he, but i'm an old timer who's still coming to grips w/ college girls having horrible sallow skin, mad rolls of fat, wearing my mom's 1988 "Chic" loaded-diaper bitch wedgie jeans that r about 2 burst trying 2 constrain my mom's 2008 gut and acting like army surplus granny parachute panties are anything but boner killers



apparently it's worse 2b balding than 2b obese according 2 new time degenerate aesthetic judgment
and mitch reminds us of the true tragedy of obama's scheme 2 import moslem terrorists under fraudulent "refugee" status:

this dood didn't have the chance 2 open fire @ the dubai poop truck depot while mitch still had a job
honest question
can you normally buy a gun if you sucker punch then beat the shit out of someone a couple years prior? shouldn't a background check catch that?
I believe his background check should have flagged him for a couple of reasons. Again - we should enforce existing gun law. He had a 2017 assault charge.