[STUXNET] do not fuck w nerds

So the Russians and Chinese who we know are clever
better watch their asses too.

I never heard about that Russian pipeline explosion.

Iran now has to contend with cyber warfare in addition
to the Israeli threat of physical attack.

I guess the best way to really put a whammy on a nation is to "steal" their money.

Cause we all know, money makes the world go round.

The Muslims are such hypocrites.,

Oh, we NEVER charge "interest", see we're good.

We only charge "fees" :lol:
Fornication = making love , .... or, ....... Fucking.

But still the weenie goes in the pussy. :rofl:
So there goes any doubt that the CIA also had to do with the assassinations :lol:

Pretty bad ass though, like something straight out of a Bourne movie; dudes on motorcycles attaching magnetic bombs to your car and then riding off, not looking back at the explosion obviously.
That's a big bug.

The most interesting part of all this is these viruses is they always seemed to be around two years before they are found, it make you wonder what is up to date and currently unknown.
The most interesting part of all this is these viruses is they always seemed to be around two years before they are found, it make you wonder what is up to date and currently unknown.

kinda like German weapons...how the U.S is mimicking what the krauts had developed in the 30's and 40's. I would love to see the hidden halls of records that the U.S got their hands on.
"Flame sKyWIper is certainly the most sophisticated malware we encountered during our practice; arguably, it is the most complex malware ever found."[1]

Flame can spread to other systems over a local network (LAN) or via USB stick. It can record audio, screenshots, keyboard activity and network traffic.[6] The program also records Skype conversations and can turn infected computers into Bluetooth beacons which attempt to download contact information from nearby Bluetooth-enabled devices.[7] These data, along with locally stored documents, are sent on to one of several command and control servers that are scattered around the world. The program then awaits further instructions from these servers.[6]

Due to the size and complexity of the program—described as "twenty times" more complicated than Stuxnet—the Lab stated that a full analysis could require as long as ten years.[7]

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