[STUXNET] do not fuck w nerds

By the way, don't fool yourself into thinking that the Chinese and Russians do not innovate when it comes to malware, virus and APT creation. In fact I'd argue they are on the forefront of it. Simple analysis (ipgeolocation) show that a common source of advanced attacks are very often from China.

China has a "blue army" of hackers that are employed full time with the aim of stealing corporate secrets, obtaining classified information and the creation of malware and zero day exploits for use in these attacks.

Example: Aurora.
most of the popular criminal forums for exchanging exploit packs, and information gathered from exploit packs, are russian forums.

by the way, i think valid SSN's are going for like 10 for a dollar or something these days.

thats how easy it is, your identity is worth 10 cents.

now if they have a paypal or bank account, then its worth how much is in the account * some multiplier determined by how easy it is for them to transfer money w/o getting caught/blocked.
I had the privilege of cleaning up Stuxnet on one of the companies that got infected. I think only something like 23 companies were actually impacted by Stuxnet (don't have a citation...). And I worked on one of them. It was pretty cool walking in there after the FBI rolled through with a team of 13, imaged everything, then bounced. I was the person tasked with actually disinfecting the network.
So Iran had their controllers and the computers hooked up to monitor/program them connected to the internet?

this does happen, more frequently than you'd like to know

in the case of the Iranian infection, its suspected of infecting them via usb
Unlike most malware that used e-mail or malicious websites to infect masses of victims at once, none of Stuxnet’s exploits leveraged the internet; they all spread via local area networks. There was one primary way Stuxnet would spread from one facility to another, and that was on an infected USB thumb drive smuggled into the facility in someone’s pocket.

Yeah, he didn't talk about "how" the virus made its way into the Iranian refinement facility.

Let's plug everything into the "smart grid" what could possibly go wrong?
If their systems were connected to the internet, the nation states responsible for stuxnet would not need this elaborate worm that spreads via usb. They've got enough 0day to plow through just about any internet connected target out there...
its not that good because it was discovered.

Its not that good because it couldn't propagate on a mainframe

nothing gets ACF access unless an ACF admin give it the access on a mainframe and on a mainframe that matters the ACF team would have to be infiltrated PHYSICALLY by agents to allow such a thing through but then that would involve your transmissions teams and your NDM and sched teams and most importantly you MVS tech guys.
Just letting you guys know that your money is pretty safe guys.
Now if our government is that dumb enough to use open open systems such as as400 and unix machines and worse Windows systems then we get what we deserve.
God help us if our nuke plants are run by windows. I don't think they are i heard from a plant worker that i work with, he's retired. that they build their systems custom, meaning that the operating systems are complete custom works. but i dunno for sure.
I am biased because I am a mainframer and i hate unix!
(most modern networks/opsec departments block usb connections such as banks) and alerts go out flagging that user AT security. I know ours does.

EDIT: its fucking IRAN!...yeah pretty sure they dont know dick about running data centers or etch a sketches