Studio apartments and you

i'll save that much in less than a year living here versus some of the other options i had--this is just a month-to-month spot while i get used to the area as well, but i don't think i'll be living anywhere much bigger than this in the near future

still, i think sparse furnishings and a bed in the corner are looking like the better option, if i find a clever way to partition it
Really if you don't plan on making a studio apartment your lifestyle of living then I wouldn't worry about it.

Just get yourself some slimline furnishings and have at it.
It's handy. Girlfriends and I would spend like, entire days in bed just chilling and fucking, with the occasional venture out for a walk or coffee or whatever.

It can breed sleep problems if you do your daily activities on your bed. There's psychological shit there, but if you just spent 2 hours laying around on your bed watching a movie or something, it won't be as comfortable when you decide to go to sleep.

It is possible to partition a studio using a curtain, beads or IKEA shit. Yeah, it'll be cramped but that's what you get for having a studio. :shrug:
how long are you planning on staying there?

i've rented an apartment a bit smaller than that in the past, you might run into trouble especially if you have a lot of shit (tv, couch, coffee table, dining table, exercise gear...)

if you'll be there for a short period of time (<1yr) i wouldn't waste 1500 bucks on a high-end murphy bed and just get a 4" camping foam or something