Strange Social Phenomenon

Reprisal said:
It's a specific mating strategy.

I don't think this would work as well. Women are not as assertive and putting 1 female into a group of men is likely to make her feel insecure and therefore would fuck with the intent of the study.

studies aren't supposed to have intents

edit: wouldn't shouting "fire" make people run away?

edit2: some of you seem to really struggle with the concept of social phenomena
TwiztiD said:
studies aren't supposed to have intents

edit: wouldn't shouting "fire" make people run away?

edit2: some of you seem to really struggle with the concept of social phenomena

if someone is getting raped, people will just keep walking cause they're like "not my problem, not worth getting stabbed over"

if it's a fire, usually someone will at least call 911
Tribalbob said:
if someone is getting raped, people will just keep walking cause they're like "not my problem, not worth getting stabbed over"

if it's a fire, usually someone will at least call 911
only if they're named tonymontana

i would say do a study on the directionality of rioting... what brings about riots that seem to have a specific purpose in mind (attacking and destroying 'targeted' areas) versus riots that tend to be just an expression of violent tendancies, and lead to destruction of the community that is taking part in it.

like the parisian communal riots, against riots like watts or rodney king.
When you're walking and almost bump into someone, and you try to move out of the way, but you both move the same direction and almost bump agian.
SuckyPenny said:
Can any of you think of or know a strange social phenomenon that might be interesting to study?

I have to do some research in this area but I can't think of any topics that really interested me, except maybe online forums and how 99% of them are filled with flames etc...but IDK.

Polygamy. Then you can go hang out with the Raelian sex cult in Montreal, or the crazy ex-Utah prophets of doom up in Bountifull, B.C
Not sure what exactly you're looking to do as far as how complex, but a few ideas:

You could study group think - ie. how people react in large groups compared to how they would individually.

Bathroom behavior - as in following the "rules" of urinal usage.

Cults - lots of very interesting things you can do regarding cults. The way they manipulate people, comparisons to "real" religions, etc.

Cognitive dissonance - you could apply this principle to a ton of different situations (political might be an idea). This is based on the idea that the more you say something, the more that idea is reinforced as true in your mind. The brain does not like to have dissonance between its thoughts and actions and will strive to make them balance.

Hope that helps.
AkumA said:
People who dont piss or brush their teeth in the shower.
brilliant! seriously, i never thought about brushing teeth in the shower. I will now save another minute in my daily routine.
Tribalbob said:
how about the one where self defense classes teach women to shout "FIRE" because if they shout "RAPE" nobody will come to help them.

Stupid cunts. If they yelled "Free Sex! Free Beer! Free dope!" the rapist would be dead under the stampede.
Reprisal said:
I hope you don't work in anything related to science.

I'm sorry, are you suggesting that it is scientific to have a desired outcome and to only test people who are likely to give you your desired outcome? Because I hope not. You test a hypothesis by testing to both expected strengths and expected failure.
Zombie said:
When you're walking and almost bump into someone, and you try to move out of the way, but you both move the same direction and almost bump agian.
I fucking hate that, especially when you both keep trying to change the same direction after the first change
I usually just stop and let the other person move again, or I move in the same direction again.

One that you might want to look into:
Talking loud in movie theatres, marking the results according to age group, sex, and race.