Strange Social Phenomenon

why do men refer to their wives as "my better half" when most women are essentially worthless besides for sex?

how come women never say that expression about their husbands?
You should research honesty and anonymity.

For example you could have 10 people, and pictures of those 10 people.

Ask people to rate the attractiveness of the photographs, and check your averages.

Then ask people to rate the people live, in their presence. And see what happens.
People who some how think they are going to fail when they never got a B on a paper in their whole life. So lets assume they do bad.. it still wont be a failure.. maybe a C at worst.

Stop telling your friends you are going to fail just so we can say "no you wont"
JuggerNaught said:
well is one an entrance and one an exit?

That's the thing - if people are coming out the exit door, people will wait to go in the open door, regardless of its exit status.

And how could i forget leaving a movie theatre, big huge crowd of people, you get to the front and of the 2 doors, one remains closed and everyone is going out the open door instead of going ahead and opening the other one.
r1cko said:
an inquiry into the psychoanalysis of individuals who ask strangers on internet forums to do their homework assignments for them badly disguised under the guise of innocent discusion and banter

Yea, because it's not uncommon. Also, did you even read the first post? There is no hiding that it's for classes...nub.

Maybe I should research people who are so single minded they develop a different world than what other people see, aka reality. For instance, you're retarded.
Lobster said:
You should research honesty and anonymity.

For example you could have 10 people, and pictures of those 10 people.

Ask people to rate the attractiveness of the photographs, and check your averages.

Then ask people to rate the people live, in their presence. And see what happens.

lobster is clutch
Discuss why humanity as a whole refuses to learn from history. Or even better dive into the reasoning behind why sex (the thing most vital to human survival) became such a taboo in western culture. So much so that we pretend it does not exist in front of our children to somehow protect them from... something. And yet fully knowing that no matter what they will eventually discover sex and the very thing we tried to protect them from will captivate them even more simply because it's "taboo".
Baby Bew said:
I have a similar pet peeve I call the 2 door phenomenon.

It happens when I try to get into a building and can't because of all the people that are coming out of both doors. JUST USE THE RIGHT DOOR!! LET ME GET IN THROUGH THE LEFT DOOR!!

Imagine the fury you would feel if you just wanted to go in the entrance door, but there was a mob of people ahead of you waitng to go in the exit door that people are coming out of. That's what I'm talking about. It's like people want to avoid the physical act of opening a door if they possibly can.
Timmain42 said:
How about why people ignore the suffering of other humans right in front of them, but will leap into a burning building to save one measly kitten?

The animal is the only victim, humans deserve to suffer their stain.
n9ne said:
why do men refer to their wives as "my better half" when most women are essentially worthless besides for sex?

how come women never say that expression about their husbands?
I had no idea you were such a misogynist. Good to know, thanks.
hmm i read your post i dont see anything about class .. just study .. hehe :}}

maybe you should research internet users who change their story as they go along so as to not look like a fool in front of their e-pals :}}}

or maybe you should research how some people on the internet completely overlook sarcasm and reply with bitter hate filled posts ... :}}}

completely up to you friend ...
How the East and West coasts of the US are more modern and progressive than the central US because of higher population density.