Strange Social Phenomenon

Men who insist on being the last off the elevator. What, are you afraid I'll slip my dick up your ass if you walk off first?
Lobster said:
You should research honesty and anonymity.

For example you could have 10 people, and pictures of those 10 people.

Ask people to rate the attractiveness of the photographs, and check your averages.

Then ask people to rate the people live, in their presence. And see what happens.

Interesting, wouldn't be difficult to research and perform...if I can find a way to twist this so it meeds requirements I need you may have just won $5 bucks...but feel free to keep ideas rolling in peopleZ
r1cko said:
hmm i read your post i dont see anything about class .. just study .. hehe :}}

maybe you should research internet users who change their story as they go along so as to not look like a fool in front of their e-pals :}}}

or maybe you should research how some people on the internet completely overlook sarcasm and reply with bitter hate filled posts ... :}}}

completely up to you friend ...

troll, ignored
determine subconscious origins of that raised 2 finger & 1 thumb wrist wave that everyone does to say "thanks" when merging in traffic.


why are we such creatures of habit? example: nearly everyone at my work parks in the exact same spot every day.
old_skul said:
Men who insist on being the last off the elevator. What, are you afraid I'll slip my dick up your ass if you walk off first?

On that same note. People not saying anything or whispering and god forbid any eye contact with another person.
how bout the assholes who park their suv's in the compact car stalls

you could put a fucking giant sign in the middle of the parking stall that says:
"please move this sign and park here if you are a small import car"
and they would still hop out, move the sign, and park their fucking yukon in it
when you start whistling and within milliseconds someone else starts whistling. which applies to yawning. cracking your knuckles. etc etc
Sass said:
This might not be what you're looking for, but I have a pet peeve I call the 2 door phenomenon.
When you're going in or out of a building with 2 doors side by side, people will only use one door. It's most annoying when you get behind a group of people who are waiting to go in the open door that has people coming out. Instead of opening the other door, they just wait. I don't get it. THERE ARE 2 DOORS!! Just open the DOOR!!!
Or when you're coming out, and you're crowded by people standing right in front of you waiting to use the door you're using. Why don't they just open the other door? Can anyone explain this to me? I seriously see it all the time.
And sometimes you'll get dirty looks if you use the other door, as if you've been rude.
This irks me as well. I will normally use the other door.
Something i considered doing but gave up due to failure to get a grant for it:

My theory goes that women have evolved to be slightly attention whoring simply so that men will look at them as a means of initiating possible relationships with men they find attractive, so

First step is finding 5 guys of varying attractivenesses. Have their attractiveness rated by a control group of women who are not participating in the eventual study.

Now that you have an attractiveness baseline, assemble a random pool of (hopefully) around 100 female test subjects. Put them into groups of 5 or 6 and have them discuss a dummy topic in a observatory setting. Install a decibel measuring device and a camera in the room.

Add one of the males to the group at random and then see whether or not the discussion volume increases or decreases and whether or not female participants make eye contact with the male at key times, like appeals to authority, answering questions, and laughter at jokes that have been made.

My hypothesis is that the more attractive the guy, the louder the girls get, and the more often they reference his eye contact in order to know he's being entertained by them.

It's a simple idea but is completely untested to my knowledge. Followups could include altering the observatory conditions and scaling up group sizes.
Reprisal said:
Something i considered doing but gave up due to failure to get a grant for it:

My theory goes that women have evolved to be slightly attention whoring simply so that men will look at them as a means of initiating possible relationships with men they find attractive, so

First step is finding 5 guys of varying attractivenesses. Have their attractiveness rated by a control group of women who are not participating in the eventual study.

Now that you have an attractiveness baseline, assemble a random pool of (hopefully) around 100 female test subjects. Put them into groups of 5 or 6 and have them discuss a dummy topic in a observatory setting. Install a decibel measuring device and a camera in the room.

Add one of the males to the group at random and then see whether or not the discussion volume increases or decreases and whether or not female participants make eye contact with the male at key times, like appeals to authority, answering questions, and laughter at jokes that have been made.

My hypothesis is that the more attractive the guy, the louder the girls get, and the more often they reference his eye contact in order to know he's being entertained by them.

It's a simple idea but is completely untested to my knowledge. Followups could include altering the observatory conditions and scaling up group sizes.

Why do you call it attention whoring? It's just mating behavior.
Reprisal said:
Something i considered doing but gave up due to failure to get a grant for it:

My theory goes that women have evolved to be slightly attention whoring simply so that men will look at them as a means of initiating possible relationships with men they find attractive, so

First step is finding 5 guys of varying attractivenesses. Have their attractiveness rated by a control group of women who are not participating in the eventual study.

Now that you have an attractiveness baseline, assemble a random pool of (hopefully) around 100 female test subjects. Put them into groups of 5 or 6 and have them discuss a dummy topic in a observatory setting. Install a decibel measuring device and a camera in the room.

Add one of the males to the group at random and then see whether or not the discussion volume increases or decreases and whether or not female participants make eye contact with the male at key times, like appeals to authority, answering questions, and laughter at jokes that have been made.

My hypothesis is that the more attractive the guy, the louder the girls get, and the more often they reference his eye contact in order to know he's being entertained by them.

It's a simple idea but is completely untested to my knowledge. Followups could include altering the observatory conditions and scaling up group sizes.

This would be totally interesting to do the other way too...with men having a discussion and then introducing a single woman of varying attractiveness.
Sass said:
Why do you call it attention whoring? It's just mating behavior.

It's a specific mating strategy.

WarAngel said:
This would be totally interesting to do the other way too...with men having a discussion and then introducing a single woman of varying attractiveness.

I don't think this would work as well. Women are not as assertive and putting 1 female into a group of men is likely to make her feel insecure and therefore would fuck with the intent of the study.
how about the one where self defense classes teach women to shout "FIRE" because if they shout "RAPE" nobody will come to help them.