spiderman homecoming

maybe happy prefers the older spideys where a shy teenager is played by a confident late 20's dude, gets bitten by a spider, says something about 'great power' and then fites shitty goblin actors again after getting his mask ripped off because they couldn't emote otherwise
I liked homecoming a lot actually
was a good mix of comedy and teenage drama
villain was small and not about some world ending laser
Tom Holland was great

I think it had a far better balance than ragnarok which was just....a slapstick comedy even during moments that should have been taken seriously.
Might've been the first film I've seen in a while where I didn't call the twist.
teen drama lol... thats largely what makes it suck. the comedy was mostly slapstick.

i see tw is devolving in its old years. i bet everyone here thought the baywatch movie was great too lol, its definitely the same flavor as spiderman.
omg new baywatch was incredible

best movie of the year by far

where they came up with that grand finale fireworks scene at end was brilliant

best writing in a movie this decade for sure
teenage drama presented like one of those shitty teenage drama soap opera series... ya...
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i thought teen soap operas sucked shit when i was 10 lol. they were always over dramatized and not remotely in touch with reality.
its odd cuz 'over dramaticized' and 'not remotely in touch with reality' describes other marvel movies much better than homecoming imo

as pagy said, it finally wasn't about a space laser or a magic macguffin. the badguy was just a normal dude tinkering with stolen tech, trying to steal some more stark tech so he could have a little more cash

personally i enjoyed the whole 'friendly neighborhood spiderman' gig far more than a marvel macguffin chase and loved when he turned down the iron spider armor

it sounds like happy didn't read the comics tbh
well considering that marvel is fantasy/scifi it shouldnt be in touch with reality... however a series depicting teen life should be realistic, at least in dialogue and interactions.

and my problem with homecoming wasnt the bad guy. it was everything else though.