Some Mysteries Will Never Be Solved

C'mon guys it's not like the PEDOQUEERS are gonna come for your CHILDREN


"...nearly half of the public secretly identifies as LGBTWTFBBQ."

First half of the same sentence says, "Fewer than 1%..." but, secretly, it's actually 50%.

Public education no longer has anything to do with the 3 r's. No, today, it's about making kids feel welcome by confusing the ever living shit out of them, by giving them praise for wanting to change their sex, even though approximately 3% of HUMANS would ever think of dating one.

And WE are the ones with the problem?
weird they fit in all those letters but couldn't get in the pq for pedoqueer

you'd think that'd go first since it's what the whole thing is about
i don't think a straight male priest who has taken an oath of celibacy would rape a kid, how would he know how to do it without a parade that convinced him to
dang you're right, a priest would never do that

fucking parades man, next thing you'll know there will be organizations that actively shuffle child molesters around so they can avoid arrest
I thought about this for a while. The author of the article talks about people who want to "identify" as the other sex. But have they actually gone through the operation yet?

If that's the case (changed body parts) then I consider it body mutilation like someone getting a tattoo or the African tribes people who mutilate their face with rings and spikes.
If they want to do that, it's their problem when they can't get a high paying job or date people in America.

If they want to only "identify" as the other sex, then again, it's their problem if they can't find a good paying job or date someone who wants to put up with their BS.

There's .0000001% of people who are trapped in the wrong body, and do a sex change. I get that, but those people go back to work and continue a normal life. It's this whacked idea that people are supposed to change their sex because it seems like the thing to do in the SJW community.
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