Some Mysteries Will Never Be Solved


Veteran XX
Like, for instance, knife crime in the UK. No one will ever be able to figure out why knifings have ballooned to levels seen only in the 3rd world.

Well, there is a new mystery that will never be solved.

Psychologists Can’t Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person
A recent Journal of Social and Personal Relationships study found that nearly 90 percent of survey respondents are not interested in dating transgender people. In a Psychology Today article on the study, coauthor Karen Blair implies these findings demonstrate significant discrimination—or at least an unwillingness to be inclusive—in dating.

However, instead of pointing out the obvious truth that biological cues are foundational for sexual and romantic attraction, the author goes to great lengths to convey sympathy for the exclusion of transgenders in the dating field as if it’s merely a social justice issue. This is yet another avenue progressives are using to encourage others to deny biological reality and normalize abnormal behaviors.

Blair explains that she and a colleague asked 1,000 survey participants, “Would you consider as a potential dating partner (check all that apply):
  • a cisgender woman [someone who lives as her sex]
  • a cisgender man [someone who lives as his sex]
  • a transgender woman [a man who tries to look like a woman]
  • a transgender man [a woman who tries to look like a man]
  • a person with a non-binary gender identification” [someone who tries to look neither male nor female]
The results showed “87.5% of the participants who were asked this very question only checked off the cisgender options and excluded transgender and non-binary individuals from their hypothetical dating pool.”

Blair explains how important finding love is to happiness. Hardly anyone would disagree with her there. Then she goes on to say, “If very few people are willing to date trans people, what does this mean for their health and well-being? If trans and non-binary people lack access to one of the most stable sources of social support, this could explain some of the existing health disparities within trans communities.”

Instead of analyzing why this might be the case, or what it might say about the transgender movement, Blair immediately assumes trans people are being actively excluded, even discriminated against. Obviously, her logic goes, nearly 900 people are wrong.

Blair also found that “only a very small minority of cisgender, heterosexual individuals (3.1%) were willing to date a trans person, a much greater percentage of individuals who identified as bisexual or queer provided inclusive responses (55%).” However, Blair still seems puzzled at the responses that indicated “individuals were least likely to express an interest in dating trans women, even if their sexual identity would otherwise indicate an interest in women (i.e., straight men, lesbian women, or queer/bisexual individuals).”

Blair didn’t ask why respondents felt disinclined to date transgenders, Perhaps it was never her intention to extrapolate on the data, but I think it’s important to attempt to do so. This data on dating could hold many clues for why so many people struggle with defending the transgender movement.

And this amazing study can be read here.

However, the 'author' of the study wrote this article:
Are Trans People Excluded from the World of Dating?


Shocking development.

That being said, I do think these numbers should be provided to any man that wants to do this transition so they know what they are up against.
I think the Skywalker Ranch mystery is right up there with the increase in knife attacks and lack of willingness to date a trans.
Why oh why
Or the mystery of why some people care so much about what others do with their own lives.
You're right. Karen probably should've minded her own business and not bothered 1,000 people for her study that will never have an answer.
fuk u buddy, i could find a date if i wanted to, it's just that i really like it here in mom's basement

also, dude, 'mentally deranged freaks' isn't the preferred nomenclature -- "special minds and faces," please
Million transfag March in Toronto this weekend.... faggot flags everywhere, mentally deranged pedos dancing around with their dicks out for everyone to see ..just disgusting perversion all around. Good thing this sort of behaviour leads to extinction of the group. Just gotta wait it out.
v considerate of them 2 coalesce into one convenient easy-to-flatten group

from all the way down here in mom's basement, i can already hear the grey base spec dodge challengers revving their mighty V6s
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Mysteries that won't be solved.

How the Great Pyramids were built.
What really happened when Jesus was on the planet

I'd love to go back in time and see how the pyramids were made and the final version. Probably with thousands of slaves like the documentaries show.

Would be cool to see who Jesus was. The ark? No way. Would be interesting to find the people who wrote that story, drunk on wine.
u guys are homo pedophobes or what? It's not like they're PARADING on the streets or COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN