so what is considered "official" american food

Corn, Beans and squash are traditional native american foods.

Potatos were imported from the america's so we own anything made with spuds.
CommanderKeen said:
I don't know if it has been mentioned but chinese food is actually an american born food.

Yes, it's been mentioned, and it was wrong then, too.

It's still based on chinese dishes, just adapted to the local tastes, it's exactly the same here in Australia.. we had our gold rush start in the 1850s, just after California had theirs. Had a big influx of immigration from China and the rest of Asia when it happened. Plenty of them would have found it easier to make money selling food to the miners than actually mining (as was usually the case) and adapted what they new to local supplies and tastes. It's still not "Australian" food though.
MC Hamster said:
Yes, it's been mentioned, and it was wrong then, too.

It's still based on chinese dishes, just adapted to the local tastes, it's exactly the same here in Australia.. we had our gold rush start in the 1850s, just after California had theirs. Had a big influx of immigration from China and the rest of Asia when it happened. Plenty of them would have found it easier to make money selling food to the miners than actually mining (as was usually the case) and adapted what they new to local supplies and tastes. It's still not "Australian" food though.

[NERD]So they were all gold farmers then too...[/NERD]
WarMachine said:
Some restaurant in SC or NC did it and he aired the story.

Sadly, even the US Congress adopted the term.

The BBC said:
French fries in the House of Representatives' cafeterias will now be known as "freedom fries" as part of a Republican protest at France's opposition to a war on Iraq.

. . .

French toast from now on will be known as "freedom toast".
"Freedom" food is so fucking stupid.

So the French protest a war, this makes them wardens to their people? Fuck sake, it just means they're not throwing troops and lives around for something they don't believe in.